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0.25 multiplyed by 2 = 0.5 multiplyed by pi =1.57

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Q: Find circumference radius equals 0. 25?
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What is the circumference of a circle when the radius is 25 ft?

The circumference of a circle when the radius is 25 feet equals about 157.08 feet.

If the radius equals 25 in using 3.14 for pie what is the circumference?

Circumference = 2*pi*r Circumference = 2*3.14*25 => 157 inches

How do you find the circumference if the radius is 25?

Circumference = 2 * radius * pi So: 25(2) = 50 50 pi or about 157.1

How do you find the circumference when the radius is 25?

Divide it by 3.145 or Pye.Improved Answe:-circumference = 2*pi*25

What is the circumference if the radius is .25?

The circumference is Pi x r x r.... In THIS case it's .25 x .25 x Pi... which equals 0.19634375

What is the circumference of a circle if radius is 25?

The circumference of a circle if radius is 25 is about 157.1

What is the circumference of a circle with a radius of 72?

72" radius = 452 25/64 " circumference

What is the area of a circle with a circumference of 50pi?

The area of a circle is calculated using the formula A = πr^2. Given that the circumference of the circle is 50π, we can determine the radius using the formula C = 2πr, where C is the circumference. So, 50π = 2πr. Solving for r gives us the radius as 25. The area of the circle with radius 25 is then A = π(25)^2 = 625π.

What is radius if circumference is 25 feet?

Radius = Circumference/(2*pi) = 3.979 feet (approx)

What is The circumference when the radius is 25 in?

THE FORMULA FOR FINDING THE CIRCUMFERENCE IS:CIRCUMFERENCE EQUALS DIAMETER TIMES 3.14In basic words:What do you know?You know you need to find the circumference of the circle, which is the distance all the way around the circle.You know the radius is 25 inches, the radius is the measurement from the center to the circumference of the circle.You know the formula needs the diameter, a diameter being the length of a line connecting two points on the circumference, touching the center of the circle, maintaining a straight line.With all this information, you can figure out that the radius is half the diameter.Now, begin your math.Problem: What is the circumference of a circle when you know the radius is 25 inches?Formula: Circumference= Diameter X 3.14 which is known as pi.Radius Diameter CircumferenceR=25 D=R times 2Replace variable R with the correct number:2525 multiplied by 2 is 50 which means that D=5050 multiplied by 3.14 is 157The circumference is 157

If a circle circumference is twenty five inches then what is the radius?

A circle with a circumference of 25 inches has a radius of about 3.979 inches.

What is the circumference when the radius is 25 FT?

157 ft