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area of a circle= pi X D square/4 = 3.14 X 24 X24 /4 ==>452.16 sq m.

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Q: Find the are of a circle with a diameter of 24 meters?
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What is the area of a circle with a diameter of 24 meters?


If the circumference of a circle is twenty four meters what would the diameter?

If the circumference of a circle is 24 meters the diameter will be about 7.639 meters. (d = C divided by Pi).

The diameter of a circle is 48 meters what is the measure of the radius?

24 meters diameter is simply two times the radius.

The circumference is 24 meters about how long is a diameter of that circle?

The diameter of a circle is found by dividing the circumference by Pi (about 3.1416). So, for your example: 24m / 3.1416 = about 7.64 meters diameter.

What is the area of a circle with a diameter of 24 meters using 3.14?

452.16 square meters

Area of a circle with a diameter of 24 meters?

The area is 452 m2

A circle has a radius of 12 in Find the diameter of the circle?

diameter is 2 times the radius 24

What is the area of a circle with a diamerer of 24 meters use 3.14?

area of a circle = pi*r^2 with pi being 3.1415926535..... that is the ratio between the diameter of the circle and it's circumference. r stands for radius (half the diameter if you didn't know) so for this circle to find the area all you have to do is 12 (half of 24 the diameter to find the radius) , then square it (144) then times it by pi which equals approximately 452.39 meters^2

What is the circumference is circle that is 24 meters about how long is the diameter if pie is 3?

Circumference of a circle = 2*pi*radius or diameter*pi Its diameter = circumference/pi

If the diameter of a circle is 48 meter what is measure of the radius?

24 meters diameter is simply twice the radius.

Area of circle with diameter of 24 meters?

If Diameter = 24 m then Radius = 12 m Area of a circle = πr2 = π 122 = 144π = 452.39 sq ms

Find the area of a circle if the radius is 24 meters?

A=Pi(r)2 - A circle with a radius of 24 meters has an area of 1809.56 square meters.