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so 42cm = 16 is 26cm

if the difference between the other 2 was the LCM, it would equal more than 42. This is impossible to calculate

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Q: Find the area of the triangle whose perimeter is 42cm long side is 16cmdiffrence between other two is LCM?
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The minimum perimeter is when the triangle is an equilateral triangle. The perimeter of any other triangle with the same area will be longer. In the case of an equilateral triangle area = (√3)/4 × side² → side = √(4×6.5 cm²/√3) → perimeter = 3 × side = 3 × √(4×6.5 cm²/√3) ≈ 11.62 cm → The triangle has a perimeter greater than or equal to approx 11.62 cm.

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If you double (2 times) the perimeter the area will will be 4 times larger. Therefore the area is proportional to the square of the perimeter or the perimeter is proportional to the square root of area. The relationship as shown above applies only to triangles with similar proportions, that is when you scale up or down any triangle of fixed proportions. Other than that requirement, there is no relationship between perimeter and area of any shape of triangle except that it can be stated that the area will be maximum when the sides are of equal length (sides = 1/3 of perimeter).

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The perimeter of a triangle is a geometric property. The value can be expressed in decimal or binary form, or in any other base.

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The perimeter of any triangle is the sum of its 3 sides.

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If it is and equilateral triangle, the perimeter is 12, otherwise it is impossible to figure out without any angle measurements or other sides lengths

How do you figure out the perimeter for a triangle when you only have one length?

Without knowing any other property of that triangle, you can't.

What is the formula for a regular triangle?

It depends on what the formula is for: the area or perimeter or some other characteristic.

How do you find the perimeter of a triangle with only one side being 45 inches?

if the triangle was an equilateral triangle, you would have been able to just multiply 45 with 3... but if the triangle was some other kind of triangle, you would have to know the other sides

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I don't think it is possible. You would have to know at least one other measurement such as the angle between the length and width or the length of one of the sides.

What is the formula for perimeter of a right triangle when one side is missing?

Surely you know how to find the third side of a right triangle, when you know the lengths of the other two. Find it, and then add up the lengths of the three sides to get the perimeter.

How would i find the perimeter of a triangle?

You use the definition of "perimeter". In other words, you add up the lengths of the three sides.

How do you find the perimeter of a triangle with only 10 and 8?

If ten is the hypotenuse of a right triangle, the Pythagorean theorem tells us that the other side has to be 6.