y is a sum of constants and so is itself a constant. Its derivative is, therefore, zero.
2 plus 2 does not equal pie
Chicken Pot Pie! =)
3y plus 7 makes a tomato pie and 1-y is .....em.......oh look at that it is past my bedtime! Cheerio!
Pie is sweet and 3.14
2 radiuses make the diameter
2 plus 2 does not equal pie
pie 3.14 [
That depends on the value of y.
Well pythagorus theoreum is a squared plus b squared equals c squared and circumference equals pie x diameter and area equals pie x radius squared
pie equals 3.141592653589793
17 plus 10 plus 4 plus 6 plus 1 plus 2 equals 40 turn into percentages then sketch percentages as acurate as possible. to turn into percentages take number divided by 40
chicken pot pie....
Chicken Pot Pie! =)
True. Sing a song of sixpence,a pocketful of rye.Four and twenty BlackBirds,Baked in a Pie.
wow apple+pie= apple pie
3y plus 7 makes a tomato pie and 1-y is .....em.......oh look at that it is past my bedtime! Cheerio!
Avacado Pie