

Find the exponents of 0.001

Updated: 10/18/2022
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14y ago

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Well it can have almost any exponent you like.

I guess the most usual way to write it with an exponent would be 10 ^ (-3) so the exponent here would be -3

But you can also say it is 0.001 ^1 where the exponent is 1

Or 0.000001 ^ (1/2) where the exponent is 0,5

Or e ^(-6,907755...)

Or 2 ^(-9,965784...)

Or 0.177827941... ^ 4

The possibilities are infinite...

Or did you mean the powers of 0.001?

Also an infinite number of solutions here:

0.001 ^0 = 1

0.001 ^1 = 0.001

0.001 ^2 = 0.000001

0.001 ^ 0.25 = 0.177827941...


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14y ago
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