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Q: Find the number of different choices that can be made from 3 apples 4 bananas and 5 mangoes if at least one fruit is to be chosen?
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What type of fruit does monkeys eat?

bananas, mangoes, apples, oranges and grapes

What types of fruit grow on trees?

apples Oranges Pears bananas pineapples mangoes coconuts

Is it he does not like bananas or apples or bananas and apples?

Both are right but the meanings are different. 'He does not like bananas or apples' asserts two things: 'He does not like bananas'; 'He does not like apples.' He does not like bananas and apples means that he does not like bananas and apples together (eaten at the same time).

What fruits grow in a rainforest?

apples,grapes,bananas, mangoes, lemon,starfruit,pineapple,lychee,cherries,rasberries and many more

What fruit do Americans eat most?

Apples and bananas for English-speakers and mangoes for Portuguese- and Spanish-speakers are the fruit that Americans eat most.Specifically, North America includes Canada, Mexico, and the United States of America. English-speakers in those areas prefer apples or bananas. Spanish-speakers in those areas and in Central and South America will choose mangoes.

If the price of 5 mangoes and 4 apples is the same as 3 mangoes and 7 apples what is the ratio of mangoes to apples?

The ratio of mangoes to apples is 1.5 (= 3/2, or 1.5:1).To save a bit of space, let's just write "m" for mangoes and "a" for apples.Now, the question tells us that "5 mangoes and 4 apples is the same as 3 mangoes and 7 apples". Being lazy and using abbreviations, we can write this as:5m + 4a = 3m + 7aWe want the ratio of mangoes to apples, so let's put the mangoes on the left and the apples on the right:5m - 3m = 7a - 4aThe next step is not too difficult:2m = 3aClearly mangoes are more expensive. You can only buy two of them for the price of three apples. Anyhow, we need the ratio of m:a which is another way of saying "m divided by a". We can rearrange the previous equation to say:m/a = 3/2

What fruit do monkeys eat?

Monkeys eat fruit like mangoes, apples, bananas, and oranges in captivity. Citrus fruit play a very important role as, primate bodies do not synthesize vitamin c.

What is the world's best-selling fruit?

Bananas. Mangoes being a close second and apples a third. Actually, because technically they're fruits, tomatoes are the best-selling fruit in the world. Bananas are second. Basically, anything with seeds are fruits.

What are some differences between apples oranges and bananas?

They have different shapes, juice are made of oranges, milkshakes of bananas, They have different colours and oranges pell is hard and bananas is soft

What is the pH of lemons oranges apples bananas potatoes?

what is the pH of oranges, apples, and bananas.?

How many bananas in a 6 pack of apples?

There are zero bananas in a six pack of apples.

What crops were grown in Galilee?
