26 percent.
To find 74% of 50, you multiply 50 by .74. You should get 37.
20% decrease.
37/50 is equal to 74/100. So 37/50=74%
The population change is a 16.8% decrease.
26 percent.
To find 37 percent of a number, multiply the number by 0.37. In this instance, 0.37 x 50 = 18.5. Therefore, 37 percent of 50 is 18.5.
To find 74% of 50, you multiply 50 by .74. You should get 37.
94% decrease
20% decrease.
37/50... It's the equivalent of 74%
37/50 is equal to 74/100. So 37/50=74%
A $50 computer program is on sale for $37.50. The percent decrease is 25%.
A 50 percent decrease.
The population change is a 16.8% decrease.
50% decrease.