you would want to find a common denominator -- in this case 160 is the largest common denominator 800/160=5 640/160=4 therefore the ratio would be 5:4 (said "5 to 4")
1 yards = 0.000568181818 miles800 yards = 0.4545454544 miles
800 increased by 500 percent is: an increase of 4,000 for a total of 4,800.
Answer: 800 km = 497.096 mi.
(((800 plus 400) plus 400) plus 500) plus 500 = 2600
It is closer to 300 than to 500 or 800, since it is about 291 miles.
closer to 500
It would be about 500 miles, I looked on google and it said about 300-500 miles so i grabed my book and it was about 500 miles for sure!
Denver to Santa Fe is closer to 300 than it is to 500 or 800 miles. The driving distance is 392 miles per Map Quest.
It is just shy of 400 miles and therefore it is closer to 300 then to 500 miles.
500 miles
closer to 300
You can reach the border in about 500 miles, but Texas is 800 miles across.
500 miles
distance from denver to santa fe is about 400 miles
It is just under 400 miles.