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Q: Find the surface area of a sphere with a great circle radius of 50?
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What lies on a sphere and divides the sphere into two hemispheres?

An equator is a circle that divides the surface of an object into two equal halves. The term is usually used to explain the circle that divides a plane,t like the Earth, in to two hemispheres.

Does every great circle of a sphere have to pass through its center?

Let's be very careful here: The "great circle" of a sphere is a circle that lies on the surface ofthe sphere, so there's no way the great circle can "pass through" the sphere's center.However, in order for the circle to be a "great circle", its center must be the center of the sphere.

Solid whose surface area is 4pie times the area squared?

The surface area of the 'sphere' is four times the area of a 'great circle',or (4 pi) times the RADIUS squared.

What is a great circle in spherical geometry?

The great circle is the intersection of a sphere and any plane passing through its centre. Given two distinct points on the surface of a sphere, those two points and the centre of the sphere define a plane. [If one of the points is at the antipodes of the other, an infinite number of planes are defined.] The great circle is the circle formed when that plane meets the surface of the sphere.

What is the largest circle that can be drawn around a sphere such as a globe?

That's called a "great circle" of the sphere. -- It's any circle whose center is at the center of the sphere. -- Its diameter is equal to the diameter of the sphere. -- Its area is equal to 1/4 the surface area of the sphere. -- The shortest distance between any two points on the sphere is along the piece of the great circle on which they lie. (There's only one, unless the two points are the opposite ends of a diameter.)

Related questions

How do you use great circle in a sentence?

A circle on the surface of a sphere that has the same radius as the sphere.

What is called a great circle?

A great circle is any circle on the surface of a sphere whose center is at the center of the sphere. The shortest distance between two points on the surface of a sphere is a part of the great circle that passes through them.

The radius of one sphere is the radius of one sphere is twice as great as the radius of a second sphere. a. Find the ratio of their surface areas.?


What lies on a sphere and divides the sphere into two hemispheres?

An equator is a circle that divides the surface of an object into two equal halves. The term is usually used to explain the circle that divides a plane,t like the Earth, in to two hemispheres.

What is the surface area of a sphere whose great circle has a circumference of 40pi?

The great circle has circumference 40pi and we know circumference is 2pixr so 20 is the radius of the sphere. Now use this and the formula that surface area is 4pir^2 so the surface are is 4pi(20)^2. or pi(1600)

Does every great circle of a sphere have to pass through its center?

Let's be very careful here: The "great circle" of a sphere is a circle that lies on the surface ofthe sphere, so there's no way the great circle can "pass through" the sphere's center.However, in order for the circle to be a "great circle", its center must be the center of the sphere.

What is a great cicle?

Much bigger and better than a regular circle... But seriously, a great circle on a sphere is a circle that runs along the surface of that sphere and cuts it into two equal halves. It is the largest circle that can be drawn on a given sphere. The center of any great circle is the center of the sphere.

Solid whose surface area is 4pie times the area squared?

The surface area of the 'sphere' is four times the area of a 'great circle',or (4 pi) times the RADIUS squared.

What is difference between great circle and small circle?

A great circle is a circle on the surface of a sphere that has the same center as the sphere, while a small circle does not share the same center as the sphere. Great circles have the largest circumference of all circles on a sphere, whereas small circles have smaller circumferences. The equator is an example of a great circle on Earth, while lines of latitude other than the equator are examples of small circles.

What is a great circle in spherical geometry?

The great circle is the intersection of a sphere and any plane passing through its centre. Given two distinct points on the surface of a sphere, those two points and the centre of the sphere define a plane. [If one of the points is at the antipodes of the other, an infinite number of planes are defined.] The great circle is the circle formed when that plane meets the surface of the sphere.

Why diametrically opposite lines of longitude and equator are called great circles?

Diametrically opposite lines of longitude and the equator are called great circles because they are the largest circles that can be drawn on a sphere. These circles divide the sphere into two equal halves and pass through the center of the sphere, making them great in size and significance.

How do you find the radius if the great circle is 706.5?

The great circle is simply the intersection of a sphere with a plane through its centre. It is, therefore, equivalent to the circumference.Then r = C/(2*pi) = 112.4 units.