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The result of the tenth toss is usually independent of the previous nine so the probability is 0.5.

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Q: Flip a coin 10 times tails on the 10th?
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What is the probability that the results are all heads or tails when you flip a coin 5 times?

50%. there are only 2 choices heads or tails and that doesn't change no matter how many times you flip the coin

You flip a coin twice. What is the probability you get tails both times?

fifty fifty

What is the probability of getting exactly seven tails if you flip a coin eight times?

The probability of getting exactly seven tails if you flip a coin eight times is: P(7T1H) = 8∙(1/2)8 =0.03125 ≈ 3.1%

What is the probability of getting at least two tails?

That depends how many times you flip the coin.

Will a coin land on tails more often if you flip it?

The chances are always the same:1/2. Sp it really depends on your luck, because if you flip a coin 100 times, it doesn't necessarily mean that tails will come up 50 times. According to the Law of Large Numbers, as the number of times you flip a fair coin approaches infinity, the proportion of tails will approach 0.5 (as will that of heads).

You flip a coin nine times and obtain ttttttttt if you flip the coin one more time what is the probability of getting h?

The probability of a flipped coin landing heads or tails will always be 50% either way, no matter how many times you flip it.

If you were to flip a coin 4 times what is the probability it will land on heads the same number of times that it lands on tails?


What is the probability of getting tails once and heads three times if you flip a coin four times?


What is the probability of getting tails 4 times in a row when you flip a coin?

The probability of each coin flip, independently, is 0.5 or 50%. The probability of getting one result (either heads or tails) four times in a row is 0.5 to the fourth power or 0.0625, which equals 6.25%

What is the probability that a coin lands on its heads and tails?

The probability of the coin flip being heads or tails is 100%.

What is the probability of getting all heads or all tails if you flip a coin three times?

The probability of getting all heads if you flip a coin three times is: P(HHH) = 1/2 ∙ 1/2 ∙ 1/2 = 1/8. The probability of getting all tails if you flip a coin three times is: P(TTT) = 1/2 ∙ 1/2 ∙ 1/2 = 1/8. The probability of getting all heads or all tails if you flip a coin three times is: P(HHH or TTT) = P(HHH) + P(TTT) = 2/8 = 1/4.

What is the probability that the results are 7 tails when you flip a coin 8 times?

It is 8/28 = 1/32 = 0.03125