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Q: For a population of beetles with a mean mandible length of 5 mm and a standard deviation of 1 mm How many standard deviations away from the mean is a beetle with mandible length of 54 mm?
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How many standard deviations is 19 from the mean?

That depends on what the standard deviation is.

What does the sample standard deviation best estimate?

The standard deviation of the population. the standard deviation of the population.

How do you find two standard deviations above a mean?

It is mean + 2*standard deviation.

How standard deviation and Mean deviation differ from each other?

There is 1) standard deviation, 2) mean deviation and 3) mean absolute deviation. The standard deviation is calculated most of the time. If our objective is to estimate the variance of the overall population from a representative random sample, then it has been shown theoretically that the standard deviation is the best estimate (most efficient). The mean deviation is calculated by first calculating the mean of the data and then calculating the deviation (value - mean) for each value. If we then sum these deviations, we calculate the mean deviation which will always be zero. So this statistic has little value. The individual deviations may however be of interest. See related link. To obtain the means absolute deviation (MAD), we sum the absolute value of the individual deviations. We will obtain a value that is similar to the standard deviation, a measure of dispersal of the data values. The MAD may be transformed to a standard deviation, if the distribution is known. The MAD has been shown to be less efficient in estimating the standard deviation, but a more robust estimator (not as influenced by erroneous data) as the standard deviation. See related link. Most of the time we use the standard deviation to provide the best estimate of the variance of the population.

In statistics what shows how far away a measurement is from the mean or average of the set?

The "z-score" is derived by subtracting the population mean from the measurement and dividing by the population standard deviation. It measures how many standard deviations the measurement is above or below the mean. If the population mean and standard deviation are unknown the "t-distribution" can be used instead using the sample mean and sample deviation.

Related questions

What is 2 standard deviations?

2 times the standard deviation!

Can the standard deviation or variance be negative?

No, a standard deviation or variance does not have a negative sign. The reason for this is that the deviations from the mean are squared in the formula. Deviations are squared to get rid of signs. In Absolute mean deviation, sum of the deviations is taken ignoring the signs, but there is no justification for doing so. (deviations are not squared here)

How many standard deviations is 19 from the mean?

That depends on what the standard deviation is.

How many standard deviations is 99?

You cannot have a standard deviation for 1 number.

Does standard deviation and mean deviation measure dispersion the same?

No. The average of the deviations, or mean deviation, will always be zero. The standard deviation is the average squared deviation which is usually non-zero.

What is the standard deviation for Wechsler intelligence for children?

The mean for the WISC, like the WAIS, is 100. The deviations from 100, or standard deviations, are 15.

What does the sample standard deviation best estimate?

The standard deviation of the population. the standard deviation of the population.

How do you find two standard deviations above a mean?

It is mean + 2*standard deviation.

How standard deviation and Mean deviation differ from each other?

There is 1) standard deviation, 2) mean deviation and 3) mean absolute deviation. The standard deviation is calculated most of the time. If our objective is to estimate the variance of the overall population from a representative random sample, then it has been shown theoretically that the standard deviation is the best estimate (most efficient). The mean deviation is calculated by first calculating the mean of the data and then calculating the deviation (value - mean) for each value. If we then sum these deviations, we calculate the mean deviation which will always be zero. So this statistic has little value. The individual deviations may however be of interest. See related link. To obtain the means absolute deviation (MAD), we sum the absolute value of the individual deviations. We will obtain a value that is similar to the standard deviation, a measure of dispersal of the data values. The MAD may be transformed to a standard deviation, if the distribution is known. The MAD has been shown to be less efficient in estimating the standard deviation, but a more robust estimator (not as influenced by erroneous data) as the standard deviation. See related link. Most of the time we use the standard deviation to provide the best estimate of the variance of the population.

In statistics what shows how far away a measurement is from the mean or average of the set?

The "z-score" is derived by subtracting the population mean from the measurement and dividing by the population standard deviation. It measures how many standard deviations the measurement is above or below the mean. If the population mean and standard deviation are unknown the "t-distribution" can be used instead using the sample mean and sample deviation.

What is the square root of the average of the squared deviations from the mean?

It is the standard deviation.

What is the standard deviation?

The standard deviation of a set of data is a measure of the spread of the observations. It is the square root of the mean squared deviations from the mean of the data.