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Alexandra Russel

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Q: For line graphs and bar graphs the values measured by the axis depend on the values measured by the horizontal axis.?
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For line graphs and bar graphs the values measured by the axis depend on the values measured by the horizontal axis?


For line graphs and bar graphs the values measured by the vertical axis depend on the values measured by the axis?


What axis depend on values measured by the horizontal axis?

That referred to as the y axis in general terms.For 3 dimensional calculations, also the z axis (vertical if you imagine x and y to bound the horizontal plane).

What c values are permitted in the trajectory equation?

The answer will depend on what quantity is being measured by c.

Graphs are representations of equations.?

Line graphs may represent equations, if they are defined for all values of a variable.

How do you depict sin 2x in a diagram?

You calculate y = sin 2x for various values of "x", plot the points in the diagram, and join the points.

What graph allows yo to estimate values for conditions you did not test in the experiment?

Line graphs are powerful tools because they help you to estimate values for conditions that you did not test in the experiment. mostly estimated related values are related with line graphs

What do line graphs and bar graphs have in common?

Bar graphs and line graphs are designed to show different values of two or more subjects. They both organize data. They both use an x-axis and a y-axis.

What is the definition of bar graph?

A bar graph is a visual display formed by lines or bars across a scaled grid. The relative lengths of the bars (horizontal or vertical) indicates the values represented.

What does a mean median and mode in a graph?

They are values of the variable which may be determined from some graphs.

Where are the x and y coordinate values ona graph?

The x values are on the horizontal axis and the y values are on the vertical axis.

Why can Biology be described as having both a vertical and a horizontal scale explain what that means?

Biology can be described as having both a vertical and horizontal scale because the vertical scale refers to the different levels of biological organization, from molecules to ecosystems, while the horizontal scale represents the diversity of life across different species and their interactions. In essence, the vertical scale focuses on the structural hierarchy of living organisms, whereas the horizontal scale highlights the variety of species and their relationships in an ecosystem.