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18. There is a difference of 9, so in half the circle there are 9, so the full circle has 18.

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Q: For students are in a circle they are evenly spaced the seventh one is opposite to the sixteenth on How much were there all together?
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If you're multiplying, it's a to the sixteenth. If you're dividing, it's a to the second.

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Seventh grade is like a rollercoaster, with its ups and downs of navigating new challenges and experiences. Seventh grade is a stepping stone, like a bridge connecting the familiarities of elementary school to the complexities of high school. Seventh grade is like a puzzle, where students piece together their identities and interests as they transition into adolescence.

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1 and 1 seventh. 1 is a whole number, so we can just leave it, but 1 seventh is not. So we just add the two together, which equals 1 and 1 seventh

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Not if they are not maried

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Students are classified by their year of study. There are seven years at Hogwarts, named first year, second year etc. Students study their O.W.L's from their third to fifth year and their N.E.W.T's in fifth and seventh year.

In springfield Middle School there are 270 sixth grade students and 270 seventh grade students and 250 eight grade students What percent of the students are in eight grade?

31%. first you add all the numbers then divide it by how many 8th graders there are.

One-half of the students in a school are girlsOne-seventh of the girls are in the fifth grade what fraction of the students are fifth-grade girls?

1 /14 of the girls would be in the 5th grade.

Why cant sixth grade be together with seventh and eighth graders?

Sixth grade is typically separated from seventh and eighth grades to account for developmental differences in students at different ages. Younger students benefit from an environment tailored to their needs, while older students require more advanced academic and social experiences. Mixing sixth graders with older students could lead to challenges in meeting the unique requirements of each group.