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To impose the minority's point of view on the majority

To provide an outlet for sadists perverted love of causing suffering in others.

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Q: For what purpose terrorism is used?
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What is the purpose of home land security?

to defend us from stuff like terrorism

What are the purposes in war?

The purpose of war is to combat terrorism and work towards peace (ironically).

What Anti Terrorism group's purpose is to develop and refine terrorism threat assessments and coordinate and disseminate threat warnings reports and summaries?

Antiterrorism Working Group (ATWG)

What anti-terrorism group's purpose is to develop and refine terrorism threat assessments and coordinate and disseminate threat warnings reports and summaries?

Antiterrorism Working Group (ATWG)

Is there terrorism in Sweden?

No terrorist events has taken place in Sweden since the Amalthe, 12 July 1908. Terrorism is handled by the SÄPO police organizartion. (It is similar to the CIA in purpose.)

What is the primary purpose of terrorism?

the purpose of terrorism is to intimidate the targeted population by any means."terrorists want a few people dead and many people watching.and no terrorism did not start with bin was the long before him.

What is one purpose of foreign policy?

To set a precedent for future actions: We don't negotiate with terrorism.

What was the purpose of Mossad's Operation Wrath of God?

The purpose was to exact vengeance against the Palestinians for 1972 Munich massacre and to dissuade them from using terrorism in the future.

How are terrorism and genocide alike'?

The purpose of terrorism is to frighten people and society into a response to ruin the prevailing culture. Genocide is the purposeful elimination of a group of people because of their ethnicity, tribe, religion, culture or beliefs.

Terrorism or guerrilla warfare is also known as?

Generally: Terrorism is a criminal act and guerrilla warfare is a tactic used in war.

What are four causes of terrorism?

State Terrorism, Cyber Terrorism, Eco Terrorism, Bio Terrorism

What used terrorism to put down the socialist movement?

The FBI.