The results of scientific polls might not be accurate if the people being polled are aware of the agenda of the poll. A poll also might not be accurate if a large enough group of diverse people are not included in the poll.
u r stupid read ur book! loll
Statistics, as well as statistical analysis, is key to the field of social sciences. Social scientists study the attitudes of groups of people, and this is often through the use of focus groups, questionnaires, and polls. These studies results in statistics, qualitative as well as quantitative.
because they can help you find your right answer
its easier to quantify etc
Public Opinion Polls
Who certifies the results of any poll? Generally it is the polling agency itself, through conducting spot checks on accuracy. No government agency oversees poll results, so there is nothing to make them "official," with the exception of election polls. Election polls are are not scientific polls, as they are not random samples of public opinion. Instead, everyone eligible to vote casts a ballot. Election polls are the only "official" polls.
Polls are not scientific and usually are from a small group chosen for the poll. How questions are framed also affect the results. If the company doing the poll they can ask the question to get a particular result. In my opinion we depend too much on polls to make political decisions.
u r stupid read ur book! loll
They cannot accurately measure political preferences.
Straw Polls include getting a show of hands or other type of method while scientific sampling process deals with a small group of people representing a large population.
Non-response bias, sampling bias, and poorly-worded questions are three factors that even scientific polls have difficulty with. These can lead to inaccuracies and not accurately reflecting the opinions of the population being studied.
Poltopia is a social media startup where users can create, vote and analyze results of polls created by other users. Polltopia users (free registration) can also comment on polls, follow other users, and view statistics on any poll's results. The
scientific polls you cheater ;]
The Presidential results will be said ASAP as the polls close, if we're lucky. Otherwise, most likely a few hours after or the next day after the polls close. As of right now, we can not say for sure who is in the lead.
Push polls are criticized by responsible scientific pollsters because they are not genuine surveys aimed at gathering data. Instead, they are designed to sway the opinions of participants by presenting biased or misleading information. Push polls can lead to inaccurate and unreliable results, which undermines the integrity of polling as a research method.
Primaries let the public nominate presidential candidates. Many think when they cast their ballot, they are voting for their candidate. In actuality, they are selecting groups of electors in the electoral college. These are two good reasons for following campaign polls during a presidential campaign. Watching the polls will let you know what's going on! -SMOOVE SETTLES-