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No, you can't just forget about amps. A Joule is a volt coulomb. To calculate coulombs you need amps

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Q: Forgetting amps for a second if you produced 8 gigavolts a second could you say you are producing 8 gigajoules a second?
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What is non-pyrogenic?

Answering "What is non-pyrogenic?" Pyrogenic: producing or produced by fever Substances which are non-pyrogenic in the medical sense of the word will not cause inflamatory or fever responses.

What is the chance of two guns producing the same striations?

So close to zero as being unmeasurable. The variations in markings come from random variations in wear of the rifling cutter, odd chips of steel produced by the rifling process, etc. Even two guns made in succession on the same production line will show differences in produced striations.

are histograms related to stem-and-leaf plots?

They are related in the sense that both are visual representations of numerical data. More than that, stem-and-leaf plots are most useful when the sample size is small. The plot produced may approximate to a histogram that would be produced if more data were available. When a larger sample is available it is customary to sort the sample and then split it up into about seven groups such that the middle groups are of about equal width, and then count the number of items in each group to make a histogram. As you will discern, the two processes, one of producing a stem-and-leaf plot and the other of producing a histogram will produce more or less the same result, given a sufficiently large sample.

What is a set amount of something that is being produced?

set amount of something being produced

How are numbers and letters of alphabets produced?

The different alphabets of the world, are produced by the people who use them. Numbers are produced by those same people. Numbers are also used in languages that do not have alphabets.

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present participle - producing -- They are producing three cars a day. The verb forms are: produce, produces, producing, produced.

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Gastric juice is produced in the stomach. Gastric juice is produced in the Gastric glands.

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Androgen is produced by the male's testes.

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sound is produced in veena by vibrating the strings of it

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The Mediterranean is not a silk producing area.

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What is the medical term meaning male-producing?

The correct medical term for "male producing" is androgenic. "andr" meaning male, the "o" is the combining form, and "genic" meaning producing or produced by.

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Top producing areas as Orissa, Chhattisgarth and Jharkhand

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The name of that hormone is erythropoietin. It is produced by your kidneys.

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Audi cars are produced and manufactured in Germany.

How are you producing ozone at ground level?

Ozone is produced in laboratories by corona discharge method. It can also be produced by treating oxygen with UV radaitions.