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Since this is an irregular surface, you will have to use integration techniques: for example, divide the surface into many narrow strips, consider each strip to be a rectangle and calculate its area as such, add all up. The more narrow you make the strips, the more accurate will be your estimate.


The best method depends on the accuracy required of your measurements. If you require accurate and precise results, use a scientific instrument that's specially designed to measure the area of leaves. E.g. AM300 Leaf Area Meter

[See related link below for more information]

My AM300 can store the image, and will analyse it to measure all sorts of useful parameters, like perimeter. I need a lightweight instrument which I can carry for hours, and it only weighs 1.8kg . Other models which are called 'portable' weigh 6.8kg!

If you do not require a high degree of accuracy, you can use the method described in ANSWER 1. However, you may find it quicker to draw around the leaf, then cut out and weigh the paper. By comparison to the weight of a known area of the same paper, you can calculate the area of the leaf. However, when using methods which involve cutting paper, you must cut around the perimeter extremely carefully. Similarly, you must be highly accurate when weighing. I am not sure that paper - even heavy paper - is heavy enough to make the relative error <0.5%.

You can opt for a method where you draw around the leaf on graph paper, then estimate how many grid squares are included in the area. However, grid squares that are partly included in the area must be approximated so introduce inaccuracies.

I have used software called imageJ to draw an irregular polygon on a photo of my leaf. I investigated C.hirsuta leaves, which are a similar size toArabidopsis, so it was possible to click a enough points on the image to accurately trace the perimeter, without it taking hours. To trace the perimeter of a larger leaf, you will have to make hundreds of clicks. By my experience, this will take a morning per leaf!

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Q: Formula for calculating the leaf area of lettuca?
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What is the formula for finding the area of a leaf?

There is no specific formula for finding the area of a leaf as the shape of leaves can vary widely. One common way to estimate the leaf area is by using a grid method, where the leaf is placed on a grid paper and the number of full squares covered by the leaf is counted. This count can then be used to calculate an approximate area. Alternatively, there are specialized instruments called leaf area meters that can measure the leaf area directly.

Indicator of leaf area of pechay?

One common indicator of leaf area in pechay (Chinese cabbage) is the measurement of leaf length and width using a ruler or measuring tape. By multiplying these two measurements together, you can calculate the leaf area. Another method is using specialized tools like a leaf area meter, which provides a more accurate measurement of the total leaf area.

What is differences in leaf areas using a graph paper and leaf area meter?

Using graph paper involves manually tracing the outline of the leaf and counting the squares covered, which can be prone to inaccuracies and time-consuming. In contrast, a leaf area meter provides a quick and accurate measurement by digitally scanning the leaf and calculating the total area automatically, making it a more efficient and precise method.

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What leaf area does photosynthesis happen?

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What parts of a leaf aid in photosynthesis?

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