Numerator of answer = product of numerators.
Denominator of answer = product of denominator.
So a/b * c/d = (a*c)/(b*d)
n / d = q n = numerator d = denominator q = quotient (or answer) It's probably better to think of a fraction as a form rather than a formula.
Decimals are easy to compare, add, subtract, multiply, and divide, because they already have a common denominator. You can tell at a glance which is bigger than which. +++ Further the SI, or metric-based, units are based on decimals and powers of 10, so any vulgar fractions in using them arise only when writing real values in a formula.
There is no formula for dividing fractions, but there is a way of doing it. When you a fraction divided by another fraction like below... 1/2 divided by 4/7.... Swap the second fraction around and then multiply like this... 1/2 multiplied by 7/4.... And when multiplying fractions, multiply the numerators (top number) together, and the denominators (bottom number) together (1x7)/(2x4) = 7/8 Simple
the easyest way to multiply fractioons is simply by normal multiplication for example. 4/7 multiplyed by 2/3 =8/21
Creating fractions in Word depends on if it is a simple fraction, three-fourths for example, or a complex fraction, like the Quadratic Formula. Most simple fractions will automatically be changed to fraction form by Microsoft. Try typing 1/2 in a document and press the space bar afterward and watch it turn to ½. Complex fractions aren't so lucky. You will need to create a table that has 1 column and 2 rows. The first row will act as your numerator and the second row will be your denominator. When you create the table, it will automatically have borders, you will want to remove all the borders and only leave the line between the numerator and the denominator.
There is actually no specific formula to subtract fractions but rather a method to accomplish this. First you have to obtain a common denominatior between the two fractions in order to subtract. This is easiest when you just multiply the denominators. If you have 1/4 and 1/9 you multiply the denominator to have a common one. This would give us 36. then you would have to multiply the numerators by the number you multiplied the denominator. This means that 1/4 would become 9/36 because you multiplied the bottom by 9 in order to get 36. You can check to see if you did this right by simplifying the fraction and seeing if you got your original fraction. Once you have these new common fractions you simply subtract the numerators and put them over the common denominator. 9/36 - 4/36 = 5/36 which cannot be simplified
n / d = q n = numerator d = denominator q = quotient (or answer) It's probably better to think of a fraction as a form rather than a formula.
Multiply the numerator of the fraction by 100 and then divide (using long division if needed or a calculator) by the denominator.
Decimals are easy to compare, add, subtract, multiply, and divide, because they already have a common denominator. You can tell at a glance which is bigger than which. +++ Further the SI, or metric-based, units are based on decimals and powers of 10, so any vulgar fractions in using them arise only when writing real values in a formula.
There is no formula for dividing fractions, but there is a way of doing it. When you a fraction divided by another fraction like below... 1/2 divided by 4/7.... Swap the second fraction around and then multiply like this... 1/2 multiplied by 7/4.... And when multiplying fractions, multiply the numerators (top number) together, and the denominators (bottom number) together (1x7)/(2x4) = 7/8 Simple
( A/B ) x ( C/D ) = ( A x C )/( B x D ) -- The numerator of the product is the product of the numerators. -- The denominator of the product is the product of the denominators.
the easyest way to multiply fractioons is simply by normal multiplication for example. 4/7 multiplyed by 2/3 =8/21
Well if you have a calculator, simplify the fraction to a decimal. Basically just type it in and hit enter. Then multiply be 100. That's your percent. If no calculator, multiply both the top and bottom of the fraction by the same number; one that will make the bottom equal 100. You can find this number by dividing 100 by the denominator (number on bottom). For example: 3/4 is 75%. To find this, divide 100 by 4 (the denominator), then multiply the answer (25) by the numerator (top number: 3) 25•3=75. The formula for this would be x/y=((100/y)•x)%
the graphs have fractions on the y axis
you don't need a CD for multiplication. only do need a common denominator duhhh* * * * *No, you do not need a common denominator for multiplication or division. But you do need it for addition or you do not. You don't need one in division either. A common denom is only used in addition and subtraction.a equation for multiplying would beA a A*a-- * -- = -----B b B*bDividing is similar, just multiply by the inverse.A a A*b-- / -- = -----B b B*aAdding and subtracting are a little more complicated. Here is a formula to make finding the common denominator easy.A a (A*b)+(a*B)-- + -- = ---------------B b B*bA a (A*b)-(a*B)-- - -- = ---------------B b B*b
Creating fractions in Word depends on if it is a simple fraction, three-fourths for example, or a complex fraction, like the Quadratic Formula. Most simple fractions will automatically be changed to fraction form by Microsoft. Try typing 1/2 in a document and press the space bar afterward and watch it turn to ½. Complex fractions aren't so lucky. You will need to create a table that has 1 column and 2 rows. The first row will act as your numerator and the second row will be your denominator. When you create the table, it will automatically have borders, you will want to remove all the borders and only leave the line between the numerator and the denominator.
You don't use a "formula" to multiply numbers. You just go ahead and multiply them.