-- Opposite sides are parallel. -- Opposite sides are equal. -- All four sides are equal. -- Adjacent sides are equal. -- Adjacent angles are supplementary. -- Opposite angles are equal. -- Diagonals are perpendicular. -- Interior angles sum to two straight angles. -- Exterior angles sum to two straight angles.
Well, honey, a rhombus is a quadrilateral with all four sides of equal length. Not only that, but opposite angles are equal, and the diagonals bisect each other at right angles. So basically, it's like a square that decided to lean to one side and stand out from the crowd.
Yes. The basic definition for a rectangle is 4 sides, four right angles(perpendicular), and opposite sides are congruent.
Yes, each of the four sides will be perpendicular with the opposite side.
-- Opposite sides are parallel. -- Opposite sides are equal. -- All four sides are equal. -- Adjacent sides are equal. -- Adjacent angles are supplementary. -- Opposite angles are equal. -- Diagonals are perpendicular. -- Interior angles sum to two straight angles. -- Exterior angles sum to two straight angles.
a rectangle does not have four equal sides and its opposite sides are equal and has four right angles
Well, honey, a rhombus is a quadrilateral with all four sides of equal length. Not only that, but opposite angles are equal, and the diagonals bisect each other at right angles. So basically, it's like a square that decided to lean to one side and stand out from the crowd.
Yes. The basic definition for a rectangle is 4 sides, four right angles(perpendicular), and opposite sides are congruent.
It is not possible to have five perpendicular sides; four or eight, but not five. A shape with five equal sides is a pentagon.
a quadrilateral is a shape with four equal sides.
A parallelogram is a four sided shape where opposite sides are parallel and equal lengths. If you mean that ALL sides are equal lengths, you are looking for a rhombus.
(1) Parallelogram A parallelogram is a quadrilateral with two sets of parallel sides. The opposite or facing sides of a parallelogram are of equal length, and the opposite angles of a parallelogram are equal.(2) SquareA square is a regular quadrilateral. This means that is has four equal sides and four equal angles.(3) RhombusA rhombus is a quadrilateral whose four sides all have the same length. Opposite angles of a rhombus have equal measure. The two diagonals of a rhombus are perpendicular.(4) RectangleA rectangle normally refers to a quadrilateral with four right angles.ParallelogramSquareRhombus