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yes you can go to the right after you stop...

The driver who arrives at the intersection first has the right to proceed first. When two drivers on perpendicular paths arrive at the intersection simultaneously, the driver to the right (from the drivers' point of view) has the right to proceed first.

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Q: Four way stop adjacent cars who has the right of way?
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If all the cars make it to a four way stop sign at the same time who goes first?

Everyone must yield to the person on their right.

When two cars approach a four-way stop which car has to yield the right-of-way?

usually the car to the right gets the right of way, but, why be childish? yield, it takes all of about 3-5 seconds to clear an intersection.peace thru evolution.let's try to evolve a little each day.individually, we can make a difference.together, we can make a world

If a bus stops on four lane street do all the cars have to stop?

If it is a divided four lane street then the answer is no.

Who has the right of way when four cars stop at a four way intersection at the same time?

This does actually happen, no one should ever say things never happen, so when it does, cars traveling north and south go first, then cars driving east and west go next. If a driver is turning left, he or she must yield. Also its important to know that the person to your right has the "right" of way.

How can four cars come to a four way stop from different directions and all go at the same time and not crash into each other?

Each car would need to make a right hand turn at the same time.

Who has the right of way at a four way stop?

Whoever arrives first has the right of way

Explain priority to the right?

If you're talking about when two cars approach a stop sign at the same time, it means that the car to the right has right of way.

Who is at fault if two cars collide while turning right at a light one is in the lane created for a bus stop and the other is in the right hand lane?

the car that was in the bus stop of course...

Who generally has the right of way at a four way stop intersection?

Any cars in an intersection have the right of way to finish their travel through the intersection.

When three cars stop at an intersection who goes first?

first the car on the right side then the left then the right again. p.s think about things sometimes ;)

Where do you usually find yellow right-of-way signs posted?

At a four way stop

If more than one vehicle is approaching a four-way stop?

If more the one vehicle is approaching a four-way stop following the rules of right of way. First to stop is the first vehicle to proceed. Farthest to the right is the first to go. Straight traffic goes first.