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Fractions and mixed numbers are numbers that can be added, multiplied, divided and subtracted. This is taught in math.

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Q: Fraction and mix numbers
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Related questions

What is greater a fraction or mix number?

Mixed numbers are a type of fraction.

How do you do algebraic fraction with two different denominators?

Mix numbers

How do you estimate mix numbers?

you keep the whole number the same then simplify the fraction

How do you minus mix numbers?

You first convert the numbers into top-heavy fractions, then solve like a normal fraction (e.g. LCD, then subtract).

How do you solve mix numbers in fraction?

Refer to the related link.

How can you subtract mixed numbers when the fraction in the first mix number is less than the fraction in the second mixed number?

Yes, you can but you need to "rename" the whole part of the first mixed number.

What is a rational numbers can be written numbers and fraction?

all of them. Rational numbers are numbers that can be written as a fraction. Irrational numbers cannot be expressed as a fraction.

What is the mixed numbers?

mix numbers means it is a number that has a whole number and a fraction ex. 3 1/4 3 is the whole number and 1/4 is the fraction 5 7/8 5 is the whole number and 7/8 is the fraction

How do you write 1 2 5 as a mix number?

A mix number is one whole number and a fraction, there for the numbers 1 2 5 can be come the mixed number 1 2/5.

Why convert mix number to improper fraction when multiplying mix number?

It's much easier to multiply fractions than it is to multiply mixed numbers. Try either one some time.

Is -14 a rational or irrational number?

14 is rational. Rational numbers are numbers that can be written as a fraction. Irrational Numbers cannot be expressed as a fraction.

What number is a rational number but not an integer?

Rational numbers are numbers that can be written as a fraction. Irrational Numbers cannot be expressed as a fraction. Any number that is a fraction is not an integer, but rational.