Putting a question mark after a statement does not convert it to a sensible question. My response to your question is "So what?"
Los angeles
Let Cost Price be C. Then Sale Price = C + (C x 10/100) = 110C/100 But Sale Price = 275 = 110C/100 : C = 275 x 100/110 = 250 The Profit is Sale Price - Cost Price = 275 - 250 = 25
Commission(C) = % Fee * Sale Price Fee= 5%, Sale Price = 3,000,000 5% = .05 C = .05 * 3,000,000 C = $150,000
It depends on where you live. In Northern Virginia it costs $24.00 per pound. In Atlanta, as of Jun-2008 the price charged by a local A/C repair company was $29.61 per pound. An additional $85 diagnostic fee was charged to service A/C.
A linear equation may be used to convert a unit price to a price for the quantity that you want. For example, if one bottle of drink costs C units then (at that same price) 5 bottles will cost 5*C units. It is used in the same way by businesses.
Frederick K. C. Price was born on 1932-01-03.
Los angeles
kenneth cornelius
5' 81/2"
Price tagging equipment! He invented the first pricing gun!
Frederick K.C. Price's church website is called the Crenshaw Christian Center and its website is www.faithdome.org. Here you can find information about their services, events, beliefs, and teachings.
Frederick C. Crawford was born in 1891.
Frederick C. Silvester died in 1966.
Frederick C. Alderdice died in 1936.