Some words you get are:sloopslopesloshsloth
think of a word like wild and take the last 3 words and put a leter in front of it like child
Take out the 'l' and you get 'sparking'.
New York City
About a week
"Slob" is a novel by Ellen Potter that takes place in New York City. The story is set in the Upper West Side of Manhattan.
how long avandia probate takes and when the person involve gets the award leter
The novel "Slob" by Ellen Potter takes place in modern times, with references to technology and contemporary culture. The story is set in a small town in the United States, but the exact time period is not specified.
To splash a liquid about is to "splash." If we take away the last letter "h" and add two letters, we get "spa," which is a place where people go to relax and receive various treatments, such as massages and facials.
last call for alcohol, im chasing my clouds away, last call for alcohol, tomorrow is gonna be another day. their rolling numbers by the score. take that thing away i cant take any more