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the distance travelled by a freely falling body during equal intervals of time stand to one another in the same ratio as the numbers begining from unity

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8mo ago

Galileo's law of odd numbers states that when adding or subtracting odd numbers, the result is always an odd number. This is because odd numbers can be represented as 2n + 1, where n is an integer. When two odd numbers are added or subtracted, the result will have (2n + 1) + (2m + 1) or (2n + 1) - (2m + 1) form, which simplifies to 2(n + m) + 2 or 2(n - m), respectively. In both cases, the result is still an odd number because it has a factor of 2 and an additional 1.

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The best way I can explain this is the way my kindergardenn teacher taught me. In even numbers, all the numbers will have a partner. With 2 each little person/number will have a partner. Now with an odd number, (such as three) there will be a person/number alone. so if you add an even and an odd there will be on little person without a partner, causing it to be an odd.

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The answer is 'no', so there isn't any 'why'. As a matter of fact, every EVEN number except 2 is composite, and every prime number bigger than 2 is odd..

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