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Q: General Electric made a coupon payment yesterday on its 6.75 percent bonds that mature in 8.5 years. If the required return on these bonds is 8 percent APR what should be the market price of?
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If your credit card balance is 1150 and the minimum monthly payment required is 3 percent What is the minimum amount you must pay this month?


How do you find the percentage of a down payment?

Literal Answer: Ask the loaner what percent of the loan amount is required. The loaner decided what percentage you must pay as a down payment. If your question is asking "How do I compute the amount I must pay as a down payment on a loan?", then do the following: Sample problem: You ask a banker to loan you 5,000$ for a car. The banker agrees to give you a loan if you can pay a 20% down payment to the bank. To compute how much $ you will need to pay as a down payment, do the following: 1. Convert 20% into decimal form: 20 / 100 = .2 2. Multiple the loan amount by 20%: 5000$ * .2 = 1000$ You will need to pay a down payment of 1,000$ to the bank and sign some documents before the banker will issue you a loan. The bank will then pay 5000$ to the car seller on your behalf or give you a check that is payable to the car seller so that you can exchange the check for the car & keys to the car. You will owe the bank 4,000$ & most likely be required to make monthly payments to the bank until your debt is paid.

What does it mean 2 not pay?

"Pay" means to exchange something (usually money) for something or for some debt owed (usually for a thing or a receipt of payment).Therefore, "2 not pay" means you did "not pay" or you were not required to pay.

How much is a 25 percent payment?

It depends on how much the payment is. If the payment is 100$, 25% is 25$ and in all you will have to pay 125% which is 125$.

What is the payment on 435000.00 at 6 percent interest for 15 years?

The payment will be $3,670.78 per month.

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Do you say make a payment or make payment?

It depends on what you want to say. The article "a" places the focus on the specific payment being made, usually in a series of payments: "I made a payment only yesterday!" "I make a payment only when I think of it". Without the article, the focus is more diffuse, more general, and may even imply full payment: "You should make payment immediately." "I made payment as soon as I received the invoice." As is often the case, though, there is no hard-and-fast rule about which should be used when ...

Do you say make payments or makes payment?

It depends on what you want to say. The article "a" places the focus on the specific payment being made, usually in a series of payments: "I made a payment only yesterday!" "I make a payment only when I think of it". Without the article, the focus is more diffuse, more general, and may even imply full payment: "You should make payment immediately." "I made payment as soon as I received the invoice." As is often the case, though, there is no hard-and-fast rule about which should be used when ...

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It maybe required when a mortgage matures?

A balloon payment may be required when you mortgage matures.

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No, they are not required to accept any US coins for payment for goods. They are only the ones that are in current circulation.Ê

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No, a grant is something that is "granted" to you. No payment required.

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If you refinance a car another down payment is usually not required. I refinanced a car to lower to payments and it added another year to the payoff date of the car. I wasn't required to give a down payment.

Electric Bill Online Payment Saves Money and Time?

Especially if you wait until the last minute, it is best to pay your electric bill online. Electric bill online payment is offered by most utilities, and since the payment is recorded immediately you can pay on the very last day and still avoid late fees or disconnection notices. Moreover, you save the cost of a postage stamp to mail in a check or of gasoline or public transportation to pay your electric bill in person. Electric bill online payment also allows for easier tracking of energy usage and spending as many utility sites include online tracking tools.