A 180-degree angle is a straight line, so you could pretty much say the edge of anything (such as a book, ruler, paper, etc.).
Some home items that have an obtuse angle are bay windows, a dish rack, and chaise lounges.
the side of the door
A recliner, a music stand,
fool dont you remember your head bloody
Square.....AnswerGeometrically speaking ... it is a square some call it a diamond for purposes explained below. A square is a figure with four equal sides and four 90 degree corners. A diamond is a square who's long corner-to-corner axis is arranged perpendicular to the frame of reference (in this case, home plate).The baseball diamond is a square 90 feet on each side, and a 90 degree angle at each base pad. The corner at home plate culminates in the point of home plate which is closest to the catcher, thus making the entirety of home plate (and all other bases, actually) fair territory.
There are three 90 degree angles. (Looking at home plate from a "pitcher's viewpoint), the wide "front" of home plate has 90 degree angles on both sides. The back point, e.g. "the heart of the plate," is also a 90 degree angle. The two angles closest to the batter's back foot are both 135 degrees. This is because these angles are the sum of a 90 degree angle and a 45 degree angle. The back "triangle" of home plate is a 45-45-90 triangle. Hope this helps.
There are three 90 degree angles. (Looking at home plate from a "pitcher's viewpoint), the wide "front" of home plate has 90 degree angles on both sides. The back point, e.g. "the heart of the plate," is a 90 degree angle. The two angles closest to the batter's back foot are both 135 degrees. This is because these angles are the sum of a 90 degree angle and a 45 degree angle. The back "triangle" of home plate is a 45-45-90 triangle.
The center of home plate will be where the two foul poles meet at a right (90 degree) angle
A washing machine.
parallel lines
gettin a degree from home
give me example in product or solution
By time present at home; its just fancy words for "time spent at home."
Yes , I beleive that I can follow the example of Nelson Mandela at home. Maybe in my country. Because he give freedom in South Africa.
You have to hit the ball at a ~45 degree angle right after it leaves the catapult. The time frame is really, really small, though.
Some home items that have an obtuse angle are bay windows, a dish rack, and chaise lounges.