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Q: Give an example of parallel projection related to real world application?
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Summarize the three ways in which two lines may be related Give example from the real world that illustrate the relationship?

parallel, perdindicular, and plane

What is the meaning of the phrase 'for purpose of explanation-example only'?

That the given 'example' is not a direction of required or recommended action, but only a possible, or likely, occurrence or outcome of a parallel, similar or related situation.

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The slopes of two parallel lines will be the same.

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Medical law is the branch of law that deals with the application of medical knowledge to legal problems. The best example would be a malpractice lawsuit claiming negligence. See related link.

What is a cathedral projection called?

Your question is too vague to answer, but the related link below will explain all about cathedral architectures.

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A projection is a 2 dimensional representation of a solid figure. See related link.

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Epson Event Manager Application - See Related Link

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Show a picture of a tea setting?

Wiki Answers does not provide an application to supply photographs on its site. However if you will click on the related link below you will find a good example of what you have requested.

Does a trapezoid have four equal sides?

No. A trapezoid has two parallel sides, and two sides that are not parallel. Refer to the related link below.