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My goal was to make as much money doing what I love to do and work less then 20 hours a week and average over $250 per hr . I did achieve it by becoming a licensed Master plumber as everyone needs the service industry

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Q: Give example of goal you set in life and how you achieved it?
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a really good example is fishimg poles or a football goal

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The two important days that hold significance in my life are my birthday and the day I achieved a major personal goal.

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Achieving life-long fitness is a long-term fitness goal.

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When you think about your life goal and achieved in future then planning for achievement marks as mountain.That marks mountain differ from people to people thinking and that present the creativity of men of his/her life.

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According to Hinduism Ultimate goal of life is Moksha (liberation). Moksha (liberation) can be achieved by meditation, yoga or praying God.

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pizza , cake, kicking a soccer ball in a goal.

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