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Q: Give two ways in which a councillor can find out about a local problem?
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The best place to visit is your careers guidance councillor. You can find one of these at your current high school or college, or alternatively at your local citizens advice bureau.

How do you know if you have the plumbing problem and not the city?

By contacting a local licensed master plumber to find the problem

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Your local council can give you this information or the local water authority

Where in Bessemer Alabama area can you find a school to give me my credits to graduate high school?

Go talk to Jess Lanier High School on 4th Avenue. They're in the phone book. The guidance councillor can help you find the resources you need.

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The best place to find a local exterminator is to request one at your local home improvement store. An exterminator that lives close eliminates the problem of paying extra.

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You can get your spetic tank problem fixed by a specialist. You can find a specialist to fix the septic tank problem in your local Yellow pages or in the newspaper.

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Sorry, I can not find a solution for your problem.

Where do i find beginner guitar lessons?

You should check Yelp or a local music store. These local stores will be able to give you good reviews since they would know local teachers and give you a price range.

Where can you find local jobs?

To find local jobs in your area, try looking in your local newspaper or most areas will have a website run by their county council which should give you a list of job vacancies in your area.

Where can I find driving courses?

You can find drivers courses in your area by contacting your local Department of Motor Vehicles. They should be able to give you a list of the local schools and prices.

Where can you find local jobs help?

To find local jobs in your area, try looking in your local newspaper or most areas will have a website run by their county council which should give you a list of job vacancies in your area.

How do you request to have red light put up at a road?

put the issue forward to your local council/ councillor Also find out if it is a city or county (maybe state?) owned road. The county and city authorities are different. Then type in your city or county on Google, the road maintenance dept. should be listed.