Undifined terms are terms that don't and can't be broken down any more. Three examples: point, line, plane.
In today's terms these numerals represent: 2059
1/2 1/4 1/3
The area, in terms of a, is 2a*(3a-4) = 6a2-8a However, it is not possible to give its area in terms of x without knowing anything about x, such as how x relates to a.
give me an example of singular terms
what are the different terms in the drawing and give ther meining
The diagonal terms give the variances. The square root of which gives the standard deviations. The diagonal terms give the variances. The square root of which gives the standard deviations.
as the give way vessel
it means give a definition, give a meaning for the following words or phrases
They were sentenced to long terms in prison.
5 equivocal term
different dance terms in folkdance