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And? If the question is will this affect your insurance rates, yes, more than likely once your company finds out about it. Was there not a claim? If so then they will already know, if this isn't your question please provide more details and I'll try again.

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Q: Got a ticket for not giving right away to pedestrian?
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You organized to go to V festival with your friend now you carn't go but i have paid for my ticket now he says he is giving it away but isn't it mine?

If the ticket is bought in his name, but for you money, it is still his. But if it was bought in you name you own it.

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Yes, in ant town in the USA a blind pedestrian always has the right of way. No exceptions.

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Yes I need one. If you are giving them away, please send me one!

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they are giving it away right now: 5/14/09

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No, you cannot go to away games with a season ticket.

When can you pet your cat after giving himher frontline flea treatment?

right away. Just wash your hands after.

Will a traffic ticket for cutting corners raise your insurance rates?

A traffic ticket could raise your insurance rates. It won't raise them right away, but may come into play when the insurance is being renewed.

What is the punishment for speeding in a car?

If you pull over right away then you'll just get a ticket but if you resist and don't pull over right away then you'll get both a ticket and go to jail once you're stopped, i've never got one so I can't say how much though. The penalty will depend on the city/state/country.

What if I got a ticket and the car listed on the ticket wasn't the actual car I was driving but an inoperable car with a different tag?

You might want to pay the ticket right away. If you delay and they find out your were driving aroud with License plates you switched from your other car you have they can write you more tickets for that. tell them too do one and get there facts right ;D

Should a bunny get pregnant right away after giving birth?

Yes.Because it can have the pleasure of having sex all over agin.

Why has a rabbit lost the use of her legs after giving birth 6 days ago?

You should have to get that check out right away with your vetrinarian!

Why will a motorcycle start but then die right away?

I don't have a street bike but i have dirt bikes and quads. They usually die right away because the engine is too cold to hold idle. Easily remedied by giving it gas.