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No grmas are in weight. Ml is in measurements of liquids.

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Q: Gram and milliliter are same thing?
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Related questions

Are grams milliliter and liter the same measurement?

No, but they are linked. one milliliter of water at a certain temperature will be one gram.

How many milliliter equals 35cc?

A cc is the same thing as a milliliter(ml). It is just a different unit of measure, but the same thing, so 1.35 cc is = 1.35ml.

Is milliliter the same as gm's?

no. ml is volume unit. gram is a mass unit.

Is 4 milliliter the same thing as 4 milliliter?

of course it is...........DAH stupid

How do you different water milliliter and oil milliliter?

Water milliliter and oil milliliter are the same unit of measurement, and both measure volume. However, they represent different substances - water milliliter measures volume of water, while oil milliliter measures volume of oil. This means that 1 milliliter of water will have a different volume and mass than 1 milliliter of oil.

How much does a gram of oil weigh?

A gram of oil weighs roughly 1 gram as the density of oil is very close to that of water, which is 1 gram per milliliter.

What is a cc in relation to a milliliter?

It's the same thing.

What is another word for gram per milliliter?

Another word for gram per milliliter is gram per cubic centimeter (g/cm3).

How much is 1 gram in water?

1 gram of water is equivalent to 1 milliliter of water, as the density of water is very close to 1 gram per milliliter.

Is gram the same as kilogram?

no its not. gram = unit of mass. milliliter= unit of volume. entirely different measures

What is the mass of a milliliter of water?

1 milliliter or 1 cubic centimeter of pure water weighs 1 gram, or has the mass of 1 gram.

Is milliliter the same thing as pound?

ml = millilitre, lb = pound.