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Q: Greater than 95 percent of supplies and logistical support for troops in Vietnam came from what organization?
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Related questions

How did supplies get to South Vietnam during the Vietnam War?

Ho Chi Minh Trail

Where is the Free Vietnam Organization in Honolulu Hawaii located?

The address of the Free Vietnam Organization is: 1114 Smith St, Honolulu, HI 96817-5139

How do you find propaganda in Australia about conscription during the Vietnam war?

Contact Australian Vietnam Veterans Organization.

What was south Vietnam involvement in the war?

South Vietnam are the non-communist side of Vietnam, which supported by the US vastly on war supplies, troops, and other thing to fights against the North Vietnam (the communist side).

Is there a way you can buy a Vietnam war memorial brick?

Ask this question to the organization that you would get the object from; the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall.

How did countries start becoming involved in the Vietnam War?

Europe had the North Atlantic Teaty Organization (NATO), Asia had the South East Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO). The allies fighting in Vietnam were part of SEATO.

How did North Vietnamese get supplies to men in South Vietnam?

Via the Ho Chi Minh trail.

How did the Vietnam receive there supplies in the war?

US supplies arrived by ship and airplanes. The USSR & Red China supplied enemy war material, which was shipped into Haiphong Harbor in North Vietnam and across the Red Chinese border; then TRUCKED down into South Vietnam via the Ho Chi Minh trail.

Why was south Vietnam in the Vietnam war?

Somewhat democratic South Vietnam was a member of the South East Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO), so by treaty, we were obligated to help defend South Vietnam. We entered the Vietnam War to help South Vietnam stop Communist North Vietnam from their attempts to unify the whole country.

Where is the Greater Rochester Vietnam Veterans Memorial Corporation in Rochester New York located?

The address of the Greater Rochester Vietnam Veterans Memorial Corporation is: 154 Mendota Drive, Rochester, NY 14626-3852

Why did Australia and America want to help in the Vietnam war?

Both were members of the South East Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO) - as was the Republic of South Vietnam.

Was there an organization in Vietnam similar to Blackwater in the 60's?

CIA handled those matters.