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Q: Groups motivated by self interests are called majorities true or false?
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Interest groups are sometimes called?

Interest groups can sometimes are called pressure groups. Interest groups will also be called organizations or associations for special interests.

The special interests that benefit directly from a bureaucratic agency's programs are called what?

Clientele Groups

The specific groups of people whose interests are protected and promoted by bureaucratic agencies are called?


What is the practice of presenting the interests goals or ideals of particular groups to congressional representatives is called?

This is called "lobbying", from the way persons representing such interests would talk to the representatives in the lobby of the Capitol building before the representatives went into the Congressional chambers.

What is a group of people with common practices activities and interests called?

There are a range of answers A society A club An army A congregation are some of them.

What is the difference between private and public- interest groups?

Private interest groups are those with personal stakes on an issue. Public interest groups are those groups that advance the concerns of the public at large.

A conflict between two or more groups within a country is called what?

A conflict between two or more groups within a country is called civil conflict or internal conflict. It typically involves differing political, social, or economic interests and can escalate into civil war if not resolved peacefully.

Why you are you called what you are?

Attraction. Meeting motivated by mating.

What are the vertical rows called on the periodic table?

The vertical rows on the periodic table are called groups.The vertical rows are called periods and the horizontal columns are called groups.

What is A disagreement about beliefs ideas or interest called?

A disagreement about beliefs, ideas, or interests is called a conflict. It can arise from differences in opinions, values, or perspectives between individuals or groups. Resolving conflicts often involves communication, compromise, and understanding.

Why was America motivated to fight in the Revolutionary War?

people wants freedom from the great Britain and don't want to pay taxes [people who don't want to pay taxes is called patriots][people who pays taxes is called patriots]

What are the functions of public pressure group?

A public pressure group is a group of people (usually citizens) who share a common view on a particular subject. This is also often called a "special interest group". They can have any of a large number of names including "Political Action Committee". Such groups tend to be politically motivated, but are some times motivated by social issues as well.