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Depends on the quality of air and any obstacles. Under perfect conditions (dry, clean, 20 degree Celsius air), sound would travel 20.6 kilometers per minute.

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Q: HOW many kilometers would a sound travel in 1 minute?
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How many km would light travel in a minute?

-Light travels at 299,792,458 meters per second.-There is 31,556,926 seconds in one year.-Light travels 9,460,528,412,464,108 meters in one year and after doing the math, light travels 9,460,528,412,464.108 kilometers in one year.

Which wave would travel fastest in a vacuum light or sound?

Light would travel faster in a vacuum compared to sound. Light travels at the speed of light in a vacuum, which is approximately 300,000 kilometers per second, while sound cannot travel in a vacuum as it requires a medium to propagate through, such as air, water, or solids.

How long to travel 14 kilometers at 60 kilometers per hour?

60 km per hour = 1 km per minute. So 14 km would take 14 minutes!

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How would you define a light-minute?

The distance light will travel, in a vacuum, in one minute.

What is 0.7 kilometers per minute as kilometers per hour?

As we know that 1 hour consists of 60 minutesso, 1 minute would be of 1/60 hours (or 0.0166666666666667 hours approximately)Thus, 0.7 kilometers/minute can be written as0.7 kilometers/0.0166666666666667 hourswhich, on simplification (calculation) gives 42 kilometers per hour.Result42 kilometers per hour

What would sound travel LEAST efficiently in?

Sound would travel least efficiently in a vacuum because there are no particles for the sound waves to travel through. Sound waves rely on a medium, such as air or water, to propagate.

If a cymbal were struck in space, how do you predict the waves of sound would travel?

Since space is a vacuum, sound waves do not travel through space. Sound waves need a substance to travel through, since there is nothing in a vacuum, sound waves have nothing to travel through. Thus, a cymbal struck in space would not make an audible sound.

How fast in kilometers would you have to run to do a 4 minute mile?

24.14 km per hour for a 4-minute mile.

How long would it for a sound impulse to travel through an aluminum rod 25 kilometers long?

The speed of sound in aluminum is approximately 6420 m/s. Using the formula time = distance/speed, it would take approximately 3.89 seconds for a sound impulse to travel through a 25 km long aluminum rod.

What would not travel thruogh a room with no air is it sound or light?


How is sound cannot travel in a wavy way?

Sound can't travel in wavy waves because if it did, the sound would be messed up and dodgy.