

Best Answer

You can't get that kind of information on the internet.

No, that's not true. You can get plenty of answers on the internet, but you

CAN NOT TRUST any of them.

Don't risk your body or your health on opinions you get from people with no name

who have never seen you. You've GOT TO see a real doctor, and if you can't afford

an office visit, then either go to a hospital emergency room, or phone up the local

office of Planned Parenthood in your town. Please! At least try to talk to somebody

who knows what they're talking about.

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Q: Had your tubs tied for a year now you have had your period every month around the 3 and this month nothing What is wrong?
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Related questions

What can you do to have a period every month?

Nothing. Your body is it's own machine.

What does it mean when your period comes two times?

It means that you had your period twice. You're supposed to menstruate around every month.

Do you get your period everyday?

No, you don't get your period every day. You get your period roughly once per month, and menstruation lasts for around 5-7 days.

Do you have your period every month when you first start?

You may not have your period every month when you first start. This is because your periods will be irregular.

Does your period happen once a month or every week?

A menstrual period typically occurs once a month, although the cycle length can vary from woman to woman. Each menstrual cycle lasts around 21 to 35 days, with bleeding usually lasting around 2 to 7 days.

Do you have a period every other month when you've had a fallopian tube removed?

You will still have a period every month with one Fallopian tube.

Can you get your period twice in the same month from taking antibiotics?

it may seem like that sometimes, because some women will have their period every 22 to 25 days., the antibiotics have nothing to do with it.

Why would someone have their period every month?

you are supposed to have your period every single month to shed the layer that would have protected your baby in the womb. When it is no longer needed it leaves through the vagina and the same will happen next month. So you should have your period every single month (unless on a medication that changes your cycle). If you don't have your period every month i would suggest seeing a doctor to talk about it.

how dose your period start?

Menstruation (also known as having your period) is when blood from your uterus drips out of your vagina for a few days every month. You start getting your period during puberty, usually when you’re around 12-15 years old. Your menstrual cycle is what makes your period come every month.

When will I get my period?

Sorry but boy

Does your period start the first day of every month?

Not necessarily. The start date of your period can vary based on your individual cycle length, which is typically around 28 days but can vary from person to person. It is not always on the first day of the month. Tracking your menstrual cycle can help you predict when your period will arrive each month.

Why do you get your period early?

Well it depense every woman will get an irregular period every now and then. Not all women get there periods every lets say 28 days. There are going to be times that your period comes early and sometimes that you get it late. It's nothing to worry about unless you skip an entire month then I would be worried.