In percentage of what in what species, or objects. It is 0% in water!
The percentage will depend on what the denominator is. there will be a huge difference between haemoglobin as a percentage of total blood or percentage of total body mass.
Also it will vary: people living at high altitudes tend to have higher concentrations.
Haemoglobin binds oxygen and carry it to every part of the body for oxidation of food to generate energy.
as a percentage of what
if its out of 8 then percentage is 90 if its out of 10 then percentage is 72
9 in a percentage = 900%
112 as a percentage = 11200%
beetroot, spinach, wheatgrass juice,pomegranate, seethphal all these increase haemoglobin percentage
Blood = Haemoglobin.
The short form of haemoglobin is ....(H B)
Leucocytes don't contain haemoglobin because function of haemoglobin is to transport Oxygen and WBCs don't have to transport Oxygen.
Haemoglobin is a protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body. An example sentence would be: "Haemoglobin is essential for delivering oxygen to tissues throughout the body."
Red Blood Cells (erythrocytes) contain haemoglobin.
Yes, this occurs when the haemoglobin is binded with O2 to form oxyhaemoglobin. Haemoglobin is designed and destined to carry oxygen but unfortunately it has more affinity for carbon monoxide which is dangerous.
Haemoglobin carries oxygen around the body, and removes carbon dioxide.
Eat dry figs to improve the haemoglobin level. Eat dry figs to improve the haemoglobin level. Eat dry figs to improve the haemoglobin level.
yes they do contain haemoglobin it is this substance only which gives red blood cells its red colour Haemoglobin is also carrying Oxygen from lungs to viscera in the form of Oxyhaemoglobin.