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90° . That's true of any triangle. Doesn't have to be isosceles.

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Q: Half the sum of degree-measures of the angles of an isosceles triangle is?
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What is the measure of an acute base angle of the trapezoid of an isosceles triangle vertex of 46 degrees?

For an isosceles triangle with vertex 46 degrees, the sum of the remaining two base angles is 180-46 = 134 degrees. Base angles are equal because it's isosceles, so each angle is half of their sum. 134/2 = 67 degrees. Thus, any isosceles trapezoid formed inside that isosceles triangle by drawing parallel lines to the triangle's base, will have base angle measures of 67 degrees, which are triangle's base angles.

What is half of an isosceles triangle?

Depending how you halve it can be a right angle triangle or an isosceles trapezoid

Can an Isosceles triangles may be obtuse or acute but never right?

Not true. A triangle with angles of 90, 45 and 45 is a right angled isosceles triangle. If you take a square piece of paper and fold it in half - from corner to corner - you will get this shape.

What is the base angles of an isosceles triangle?

you need the apex angle, call it n. Each base angle is one-half of (180 - n)

If two angle bisectors of a triangle are congruent then prove that triangle is isosceles?

The two angle bisectors of a triangle are congruent the those two angles are congruent. The angles are bisected the same meaning that the whole and half angle are the same. For example if they are bisected at the whole angle 50 each, then each half is 25. The bisectors really don't mean anything and all you need is 50 to know it's isosceles. 50 and 50 is 100 and the left over for the last angle is 80 adding to 180. AND overall any 2 congruent angles in a triangle have the same congruent legs making it isosceles.

How do you draw a isosceles trapezium?

Its like an isosceles triangle that has been cut in half parrllel to its base

What type of triangle is made by cutting a square diagonally in half?

A right angle triangle or an isosceles triangle.

Which triangle has two equal sides anad a 90 degree angle?

An isosceles right triangle. Each of the acute angles is 45 degrees. The legs are equal, and each leg is sqrt(2) times half of the length of the hypotenuse.

How many unique triangles can be made when one angle measures 90 and deg and another angle is half that measure?

The triangle will then have 3 angles of 45, 45 and 90 degrees and take the shape of an isosceles right angle triangle.

Which regular polygon's interior angles are half that of its exterior angles?

An equilateral triangle.

An isosceles triangle with congruent sides of 16.2 cm and a third side half that length what's the perimeter?

Perimeter of the isosceles triangle: 16.2+16.2+8.1 = 40.5 cm

What is the area of an isosceles triangle?

It depends on the size of the triangle.It is half the base times height.