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The number of women working has doubled within the past 50 years

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Q: Has the number of women working increased?
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How did women's roles change as a result of the Industrial Revolution in Europe?

They gained increased economic independence by working in factories.

What is the ratio of working women in the world?

The answer depends on what the number of working women is being compared to:working women to working men?working women to non-working women?Also, by "working women" do you mean only paid work?

What was an economic effect of word war II?

Increased numbers of working women

From 1950 to 1960 the number of women working outside the home percentage?

The number of women working outside the home declined between 1945 and 1960.

Why did the number of women in the workforce increase in the 1940s?

The number of women in the work force increased because of the absence of men while they were in the war. and then with women in the work force they stayed there and they have increased work force size since then even with the men home.

Since 1970 the number of women in the paid workforce has?

increased substantially

What was an economic effect effect of world war 2?

completely ended the Great Depressiontemporary increase in number of women workingmany new technologies and materials introduced that improved the post war economy

How did women's roles changes as the result of the industrial Revolution in Europe?

They gained increased economic independence by working in factories.

How has the amount of working moms increased compared to the 1990s?

It depends on the age of the children to be considered, but for children until 5 years of age in the 1990s 60% - 65% of the women with a kid were working. The number highly increased in the new millennium which led to an employment rate of nearly 80% in the first half of the new decade (2000 - 2005). The rate is still slightly increasing.

Is it true that the number of women who held jobs outside the home increased during the 1950s?

False! It decreased

The number of women working in every office varies directly as the number of men In the first office there are 8 women and 2 men In the second office there are 6 men How many women are in the secon?

24 women

The number of women working in every office varies directly as the number of men. In the first office there are 8 women and 2 men. In the second office there are 6 men. How many women are in the secon?

24 women