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The "R" is not a mint error. It's something that was added after the coin left the mint. As such your coin is considered to be altered and is only worth face value, unfortunately.

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Q: Have a 1960 penny with a big R above date...any value?
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What is the value of a 1960 Eire Penny?

There was no Eire (Irish) 1960 Penny produced.

What is the value of an Australian 1960 penny?

29 cents

What is the value of a 1960 penny?

It's worth 2 cents for the copper content.

How much is a Canadian penny 1960 worth?

It's only worth face value.

WHAT is the value of a 1960 d penny circulated?

2 cents, due to copper content.

How much is a pure copper penny from 1960 worth?

A 1960 pure copper penny is worth about 3 cents in copper value. However, it is illegal to melt U.S. pennies for their metal content, so the value as a collectible coin would be closer to 1 cent.

What is the value of a 1960 d silver penny?

The only "silver" penny was minted in 1943 to support the war effort. Yours is probably zinc plated.

How much is a penny from 1960 worth?

There is increased value over face only for wheatbacks- 1958 & earlier.

1960 penny value?

....1 cent. It is common and found in change. While technically the metal value of it is around 2.8 cents, it is nearly impossible to get anyone to pay that much for a copper penny unless you are selling in bulk.

What pennies are valuable?

any copper penny is worth more than its face value.

A 1960 penny silver in color why?

It's likely to be chrome or nickel plated and is very common but it don't add to the value.

What are value of 1960 pennies?

If you mean a penny from 1960 the answer would be one penny. These coins are not rare and can easily be found be searching through pocket change. If you mean pennies from the 1960s the answer would still be the same. Again these can easily be found in pocket change.