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Q: Have you made choices that are acceptable and less risky or have you followed the beaten track why?
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Do you say ' high risky activities ' or 'highly risky activities'?

It would be perfectly acceptable to say highly risky activities, however, the most common phrasing would be high risk activities.

What can cause a driver to take risky chances or make bad choices?

Poor driving attitude

Can cause a driver to take risky chances or make bad choices?

Poor driving attitude

The gears under the car are visible is this ok?

It may be mechanically acceptable, but it is certainly risky. It may be that you are missing a flywheel cover.

What is effectively communicated attitudes and strategies that avoid Risky Behavior?

Effectively communicated attitudes and strategies to avoid risky behavior involve promoting open and honest communication, setting clear boundaries and expectations, providing education on potential risks and consequences, and encouraging responsible decision-making. By fostering a supportive and understanding environment, individuals are more likely to make safer choices and avoid engaging in risky behavior.

Is risky a verb?

No it Isn't Risky is an adjective

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Is playful a synonym for risky?

No, playful is a synonym for frisky, but not for risky. A synonym for risky could be perilous.

How young people influence each other?

Young people influence each other through peer pressure, social norms, and shared interests. They often look to their peers for guidance on what is cool, trendy, or acceptable behavior. This can impact their choices and decisions in areas such as fashion, music, relationships, and even risky behaviors. Social media and digital platforms have also amplified the speed and reach of peer influence among young people.

Is the word risky an adverb or an adjective?

Risky is an adjective. An example sentence is "He was planning a risky endeavor."