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The orientation of the three vectors that sum to zero must be coplanar, contained in the same common plane, including being contained in a common line in a plane.

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Q: He vector sum of three vectors gives a zero resultant what can be orientation of the vectors?
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The vector sum of three vectors gives a resultant equal to zero What can you say about the vectors?

With three vectors spaced 120 degrees apart and with identical magnitudes the vector sum will be 0.

How many non co planer vectors gives resultant zero?

If they are not coplanar, you would need at least four forces to get a net force (resultant force) of zero.

Explain the difference between vector addition and vector resolution?

Vector addition derives a new vector from two or more vectors. The sum of two vectors, A = (a, b) and B = (c,d), is given as S = A+B = (a+c, b+d). Vector resolution should be called something like vector decomposition. It is simply the operation of taking a vector A and writing the components of that vector, (a,b). It's very easy to determine the horizontal and vertical component vectors using trigonometric identities. The vector A starts at the origin and ends at a point (a, b), vector resolution is the method for determining a and b. The lengths a and b can be computed by knowing the length of the original vector A (the magnitude or A) and the angle from the horizontal, theta: a = A*cos(theta), b = A*sin(theta). Going in the other direction, the vector A can be reconstructed knowing only a and b. The magnitude is given by A = sqrt(a*a + b*b). The angle theta is given by solving cos(theta) = a/A (or sin(theta) = b/A). And, in fact, if you take the component vectors a and b, their sum gives the original vector, A = a + b, where a should be thought of as a*i and b = b*j where i and j are unit vectors in x and y directions.Vector addition is when you add two or more vectors together to create a vector sum.

What is the magnitude of an object if it is vector a is 5m and vector b is 3.5 m?

any length between 1.5 and 8.5 meters depending on the angle between the vectors. find the dot product of the two vectors to find the magnitude. e.g. two vectors a x b . y c z gives a.x+b.y+c.z= your final answer. The dots mean times by (btw)

Can the magnitude of a resultant vector ever be less than the magnitude of one of its components?

Yes, if the two vectors are at a sufficiently large obtuse angle.The law of cosines gives the size of the resultant.If C = A + B, where A, B, C are vectors, then C is the "resultant."The law of cosines says, he magnitudes, A,B,C, are related as follows,C2=A2+B2+2AB cosine(theta),where theta is the angle between the vectors A and B. When theta is zero, then C has the maximum length, equal to the lengths of A and B added. When theta is 180 degrees, then C has the minimum length of the difference of the length of A and of B. Somewhere in between, the length of C will equal the length of the longer component and for larger angles be smaller.To be specific, suppose that A is the longer of the two, then the resultant, C, has the same length as A at one special angle which we will call theta*.A2=A2+B2+2AB cosine(theta*)cosine(theta*)=-B/(2A).The answer to the question is then, that for angles greater than theta* the resultant is smaller than the larger component. (Greater means, of course, greater than theta* and up to 360-theta*.)Note that if we ask whether the resultant can be smaller than the smaller of the two component vectors, then the answer is again yes and the above equation holds true when A is the smaller with the condition that it is not smaller than half the length of B. When the smaller vector is less than half the length of the larger component, then the resultant may equal the length of the larger but can never be made equal to the length of the smaller component.

Related questions

Which operation gives a resultant vector?

adding two or more vectors

What operation gives s resultant vector?

Vector addition is the operation that gives a resultant vector when two or more vectors are added together. The resultant vector represents the combination of the individual vectors' magnitudes and directions.

The vector sum of three vectors gives a resultant equal to zero What can you say about the vectors?

With three vectors spaced 120 degrees apart and with identical magnitudes the vector sum will be 0.

How do you find resultant velocity with perpendicular velocities?

To find the resultant velocity from two perpendicular velocities, you can use the Pythagorean theorem. Square each velocity, sum the squares, and then take the square root of the total to find the magnitude of the resultant velocity. The direction of the resultant velocity can be determined using trigonometry, typically with the arctangent function.

What gives you a frame of reference for speed when riding a train?

Displacement vectors of 10m west and 14m west make a resultant vector that is

What is the minimum number of vectors having different planes which can be added to give zero resultant?

you'll need at least three. Think of them as being connected. To have a zero resultant, putting the vectors together head to tail should form a closed shape. The first vector can be in any direction. The second vector starts where the first ended, and extends in a different plane. The last vector starts from where the second ended and extends to the beginning of the first vector. The three end up making a triangle, which gives you a zero resultant

How do you add x and y components?

To add the x and y components of two vectors, you add the x components together to get the resultant x component, and then add the y components together to get the resultant y component. This gives you the sum vector of the two original vectors.

If two vector have equal magnitudes can their sum be zero Explain?

Sum of two vectors can only be zero if they are equal in magnitude and opposite in direction. So no two vector of unequal magnitude cannot be added to give null vector. Three vectors of equal magnitude and making an angle 120 degrees with each other gives a zero resultant.

If two vectors are perpendicular to each other then the resultant what?

If two vectors are perpendicular to each other, their dot product is zero. This means that the resultant of the two vectors is the magnitude of one of the vectors, as the angle between them is 90 degrees, resulting in a right triangle.

How many non co planer vectors gives resultant zero?

If they are not coplanar, you would need at least four forces to get a net force (resultant force) of zero.

What is scalar and vector product simplify?

Scalar product (or dot product) is the product of the magnitudes of two vectors and the cosine of the angle between them. It results in a scalar quantity. Vector product (or cross product) is the product of the magnitudes of two vectors and the sine of the angle between them, which results in a vector perpendicular to the plane containing the two original vectors.

What is vector and resultant velocity?

A vector is used to represent direction and magnitude of speed. Velocity is the speed of an object and a specification of its direction of motion. Speed describes only how fast an object is moving, whereas velocity gives both how fast and in what direction the object is moving. Therefore a vector can be used to represent a velocity. The term "resultant velocity" implies a change in velocity which can be determined using vector analysis.