

Best Answer

Flying insects = f

Non-flying insects = n





n=21 non-flying insects

f=5*21 = 105 flying insects

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Q: Heather had to collect insects for her biology project She was able to collect 126 total insects She collected 5 times as many insects that could fly as insects that couldn't fly. How many could fly?
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What is six minus one times zero plus two divided by two equals?

the answer is one (1) couldnt you have just used a calculator?!?

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it is an unasewrd question you see this is so hard that my grand daughter couldnt figure it out. so give up and good luck

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i think it mite be something like well i dont know i have forgoten now what the answer was hold on a second wait i have remembered i think it is poo i now i am wrong so i dont think that it is that (poo) anyway sorry i couldnt help u why dont u just ask ur parents? or people around u?

Ways of telling if your spouse is cheating?

Every video/tutorial I have seen suggests we should send a link to the victim that he will open, or we should create an application which victim will install in his android set. But I need to learn something different. I need an way where I don’t need to send the victim any kind of link that victim must open, or where I don’t need the victim to install any app. It is because the victims I have targeted are smart enough. They don’t open any arbitrary link. Moreover, I don’t know their personal preference. I don’t know which kind of sites they like most. Furthermore, these people don’t install any application from any unauthorized source. This has been one of my greatest challenges for years untill l came accross this ethical call Jeffrey ,which help e get my spouse phone hacked remotely without accessing or sending any link. kindly contact him via email: LEGITPHONEHACK@GMAILCOM He's good at what he does. i highly recommend him

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