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Q: Helen has a rectangular garden that measures 65 meters by 20 meters. How long is the diagonal length of the garden (An example of diagonal length is from the top left corner to the bottom right corner?
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sideways at an angle-picture a square. From the top right corner to bottom left-that's diagonal.

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An antidiagonal is a diagonal of a matrix which leads from top-right to bottom-left.

A rectangular park with dimensions of 1500 feet by 2000 feet has a diagonal walking path that goes from the top northeast corner to the bottom southwest corner How long is the walking path?

Using Pythagorean theorem a2 + b2 = c2 15002 + 20002 = C2; c is 2,500 feet

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7 inches diagonal top to bottom

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A symmetrical shape is a shape that, if you draw a straight line from one point of it to the other, will cut the shape exactly in half so that the same image is on both sides. For example, if you cut a perfect square in half from top to bottom, or side to side, or diagonal to diagonal, both sides are symmetrical.

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One has a rectangle on the bottom and the other has a square on the bottom.