Sorta. You see Bla Bla is an kinda like an expression that people use when they wish to ignore another person. People also use it for annoying people when they might feel sassy.
There is no term for the expression which has no practical use nor any sensible interpretation.There is no term for the expression which has no practical use nor any sensible interpretation.There is no term for the expression which has no practical use nor any sensible interpretation.There is no term for the expression which has no practical use nor any sensible interpretation.
Oh, dude, a clinometer is like a fancy tool that measures angles, so jobs that involve measuring slopes or heights, like surveyors, geologists, and architects, might use it. But hey, if you're not into that whole "measuring angles" thing, you could always use it as a cool paperweight or a makeshift frisbee.
Oh, dude, it's like you take x and then you're like, "Hey x, I want you to chill out and be 15 less than yourself." So, you just subtract 15 from x and boom, you've got 15 less than x. Easy peasy lemon squeezy.
whats the problem?????
Hey dude, can you temporarily hold my dog?
dude dcs are awesome skating shoes. hey i use them ahah.
HEY is a word that people can use to start a conversation like "hey whats up"
Hey dude radar is waste but if you buy radar some times you will got big fish
It can be used somewhat like "incredible," in the sense of either incredibly GOOD, or incredibly BAD. For example: -"Hey bro, check out my new motorcycle!" -"Dude, that is so ---!" or... -"Dammit, I didn't get into Duke." -"Dude, that is so ---."
They use "hey" cause it is like a teen way of saying hi or hello!
yes of cores dude
how people can use natural resources for artistic expression.
Do not use that hackneyed expression in your speech tonight.Tattoos may give people, in that hackneyed contemporary phrase, "a sense of identity."The politicians' use of "change for tomorrow" is a hackneyed expression.
If you eat unhealthily then you will become unhealthy. Many people use the expression "You are what you eat."
You can use "hey" as a friendly way to greet someone or get their attention, such as saying "Hey, how are you?" or "Hey, look over here!" It's a casual and informal way to initiate conversation.
hey hey i am not sure