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Q: His most popular writing is called Elements and deals with which of these subjects?
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Euclid of Alexandria was a Hellenistic mathematician His most popular writing is called Elements and deals with which of these subjects?


Euclid of Alexandria was a Hellenistic mathematician. His most popular writing is called Elements and deals with which of these subjects?


Why were the colonial school subjects called the three R's?

The three R's refers to Reading, Writing, And Arithemetic. The word writing doesn't begin with an r but it does begin with an r sound, and the word "arithmetic," in the old saying, was called 'rithmetic, so it was said as "Reading, Writing, and 'Rithmetic," were the 3 R's.

What are the Queen's subjects called?

All people in England are called subjects of the King or Queen.

Why would a scientist use berzelius's systern of representing elements?

The reason is because it is a system that uses letters called chemical symbols, which are a shortned way of writing the names of elements.

What is called a group of subjects selected from the group of all subjects?


What are all of the subjects called?

Without providing more information (subjects in school, subjects of a kingdom, subjects as parts of speech etc.), subjects also fit into catagories.

What is A pen called which uses a small ball bearing as a writing point?

A ball-point, although they often get called by a popular brand name - Biro in the UK

What subjects did they teach in 1900?

Reading, writing, arithmatic, English, Latin, and religion. Other subjects depend on gender and ethnicity. For example: females were also taught homemaking skills and males were taught book keeping.

In what organizational pattern do you move back and forth between two subjects as you discuss the different features?

The organizational pattern you are referring to is called the point-by-point pattern. In this structure, you alternate between discussing different features or elements of two subjects in a balanced manner, highlighting similarities and differences. This helps create a coherent comparison or contrast between the two subjects.

What are unrecognizable objects in a painting called?

Unrecognizable objects in a painting are typically referred to as abstract shapes or abstract forms. This can include non-representational elements that do not clearly depict identifiable objects or subjects.

Are isotopes called tracer elements?

Yes, isotopes are also tracer elements since most modern disease detection techniques involves the subjects ingesting a small amount of radioactive tracers and detect such things as tumors via x-ray or photographic emulsion techniques. In fact, most tracer elements are isotopes.