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172.8 miles

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Q: His train has been running for 2 12 days straight at a constant speed of 4.8 mph. How far has he traveled.?
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Is the total distance traveled divided by constant speed eual constant speed?

No. The total distance traveled divided by constant speed is the time interval.

How constant speed graphed?

A constant speed is represented on a graph as a straight line with a constant slope. The slope of the line indicates the speed of the object; a steeper slope corresponds to a faster speed, while a gentler slope corresponds to a slower speed. The y-axis typically represents the distance traveled, and the x-axis represents time.

What is the acceleration of car that travels in a straight line at constant speed?

Straight line at a constant speed = no acceleration

Is a jogger moving at a constant speed accelerating?

No, a jogger moving at a constant speed is not accelerating. Acceleration is the rate of change of velocity, so if the jogger's speed remains constant, there is no acceleration.

If a car is traveling at a constant speed of 60 miles per hour for 30 minutes what is the acceleration?

Constant speed (in a straight line) means there is no acceleration.Constant speed (in a straight line) means there is no acceleration.Constant speed (in a straight line) means there is no acceleration.Constant speed (in a straight line) means there is no acceleration.

Is a person running an example of non uniform motion?

Yes, a person running is an example of non-uniform motion because their speed and direction are changing as they move. This is in contrast to uniform motion, where an object travels at a constant speed and in a straight line.

How is constant speed shown on a graph?

On a distance-time graph, a straight line with a constant positive slope represents constant speed. The steeper the line, the greater the speed. Time is on the x-axis and distance is on the y-axis.

What is the different between constant velocity and constant speed?

constant velocity is when you maintain speed and direction, this usually is in a straight line, and constant speed means that your speed is always constant at all times.

Does a straight line on a motion graph indicates constant speed?

Yes. A straight line indicates constant speed =dy/dt= kt.

What is the equation for constant speed?

The equation for constant speed is distance = speed x time, where distance is the total distance traveled, speed is the constant speed at which the object is moving, and time is the duration of travel.

What is the acceleration of a car that travels in a straight line at a constant speed of 135 kilometers per hour?

If a car travels in a straight line with a constant speed, then the car has a constant velocity (determined by direction and speed), and the acceleration is 0.

Can an object have a constant speed and velocity at the same time?

Yes. An object moving in a straight line at constant speed has constant velocity.