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I really dont know!sorry...

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Q: History of statistics before Christ
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Wht does bc stand for?

In history B.C stands for Before Christ.

What does BC in history mean?

It means Before Christ. (Christ was born in the year 0). BC stands for Before Christ. So 1000BC is 1000 years Before Christ was born

What are the two periods of history?

BC which is Before Christ and AD Which basicly means After Christ in Roman.

In history what do the letters BC stand for?

BC = Before Christ AD = Anno Domini

What is academic history?

statical history. (history with statistics)

Major divisions of earths history are?

The major divisions of Earth's history are typically divided into eons, eras, periods, and epochs. The current eon is the Phanerozoic, which is divided into eras such as Paleozoic, Mesozoic, and Cenozoic. Each era is further divided into periods, like the Jurassic period within the Mesozoic era. Periods can be subdivided into epochs, such as the Pleistocene epoch within the Quaternary period.

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Denmark has recorded history back to 2000 years before christ

What time period of history is ancient to AD?

Either B.C. (before christ) or the new version B.C.E (before current era)

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brief history of philippines

When was Tamil language originated?

No evident history. Might be several hundred years before the birth of Jesus christ

Who first used the words Before Christ?

History does not have a written record of who first used "before Christ". You can figure it could have been a monk or Catholic priest because they started up the calendar with AD and BC designations.

What does ac and bc mean?

ac is After Christ and bc is Before Christ