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Q: Holly works in a stable Shes throwing straw into a stall thats 12 feet long by 8 feet wide If she throws 12 cubic feet of straw each minute how many minutes will it take until the straw in the st?
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Holly works in a stable Shes throwing straw into a stall that's 12 feet long by 8 feet wide If she throws 12 cubic feet of straw each minute how many minutes will it take until the straw in the st?

annswer is 22.39%

What does g gs mpg ft mean in basketball?

G=games that a player has taken part in GS=Games that a player was playing when the game started MPG=Minutes per game, the average minutes that a player was playing for FT=possibly this means free throws

What is the probability of throwing a 1 a 2 and then a 6 in exactly that order?

If a fair die is thrown often enough, the probability is 1.For the first three throws of a fair die, the probability is 1/216.If a fair die is thrown often enough, the probability is 1.For the first three throws of a fair die, the probability is 1/216.If a fair die is thrown often enough, the probability is 1.For the first three throws of a fair die, the probability is 1/216.If a fair die is thrown often enough, the probability is 1.For the first three throws of a fair die, the probability is 1/216.

What does the B-T column on team rosters stand for?

Bats / Throws Which hand/side the player uses when he bats, and what hand he throws with.

What is the probability of getting a sum of 5 if the dice is tossed 120 times?

Prob(at least one 5 in 120 throws) = 1 - prob(no 5s in 120 throws)= 1 - (5/6)120= 0.999 999 999 69 = almost 1.Prob(at least one 5 in 120 throws) = 1 - prob(no 5s in 120 throws)= 1 - (5/6)120= 0.999 999 999 69 = almost 1.Prob(at least one 5 in 120 throws) = 1 - prob(no 5s in 120 throws)= 1 - (5/6)120= 0.999 999 999 69 = almost 1.Prob(at least one 5 in 120 throws) = 1 - prob(no 5s in 120 throws)= 1 - (5/6)120= 0.999 999 999 69 = almost 1.

Related questions

Holly works in a stable Shes throwing straw into a stall that's 12 feet long by 8 feet wide If she throws 12 cubic feet of straw each minute how many minutes will it take until the straw in the st?

annswer is 22.39%

What is the future progressive of throws?

The future progressive tense of "throws" is will be throwing.

What part of speech is throws?

Throwing is a verb.

A girl throws 8 snowballs a minute so what is the total of snowballs thrown if she throws 172?

If a girl throws 172 snowballs the total number of snowballs she throws is 172! If you meant how long does it take her to throw 172 snowballs if she can throw 8 a minuite, then the answer is 172 divided by 8 which comes to 21 and a half minutes.

How does Belinda subdue the Baron?

belinda throws snuff at the baron

Record for throwing and catching a football?

we got 1533 throws we promise(try to beat that)

Is it just the arm that throws or are different parts of the body involved in throwing?

It is NOT just the arm that throws. Other muscle groups outside the arm is involved in throwing. For example, the shoulder joint (bone), the shoulder girdle, the chest and upper back to the waist, and even part of the neck (muscles) assist in throwing, both underhand over overheard.

Why in curling they call the people throwing the fifth and sixth rocks thirds?

They are the third player to throw rocks for the team. The "lead" throws the 1st and 2nd rocks, the "second" throws the 3rd and 4th rocks, the "third" throws the 5th and 6th rocks, and the "skip" throws the 7th and 8th rocks. The third is also sometimes called the "vice skip," because the third acts as skip while the skip is throwing his (or her) rocks.

What force a hand apply when it throws an object?

When a hand throws an object, it applies a force known as the "throwing force" or launching force. This force is responsible for giving the object its initial velocity and trajectory. The throwing force comes from the muscles in the hand, arm, and shoulder that propel the object forward.

How many pitches is to much in AAA baseball?

that is completely up to the age of the pitcher, how hard he throws, and how many he is capable of throwing

Meaning of bouquet throwing?

When the Bride throws her bouquet backwards over her head, the girl who catches it is "supposed" to be then next to get married.

How long does it take to play a college basketball game?

The game itself it divided into two 20 minute halves. That is a total of 40 minutes of actual game play. But timeouts, time spent shooting free throws with the clock stopped, and a time allowed between halves makes the game last much longer. There is no set time for the total game to be played. Games can easily last up to 2 hours.