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Mae drove at 14mph?

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Q: Homer drove as fast as he could to get 60 miles ahead of Mae If Homer drove at 17mph and the race lasted 20 hours how fast did Mae drive?
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Where in the Bible can you find how long Jesus' work on earth lasted?

-----------------------The gospels do not actually say how long the mission of Jesus lasted. However, scholars point out that the events described in the synoptic gospels (Matthew, Mark and Luke) could have been accomplished in a few weeks. There is no mention of the Passover from the beginning of his mission until the final journey to Jerusalem and for these reasons they believe that his entire mission appears to have taken no more than a year.On the other hand, John's Gospel, by its references to the Passover (John 2:13, 6:4, 11:55, 12:1, 13:1), indicates that, for its author, the mission of Jesus lasted three years.

Where could one find filters for the Space Gard 2200?

You can find filters for the Space Gard 2200 at local depot stores, be sure to call ahead confirm they have some in inventory. Home Depot is your best choice. Alternatively you can order them from Amazon.

What ages are in the third grade?

The normal age for 3rd grade is 8-9 years old. But kids could really be anywhere from 7 to 10, considering some kids have to repeat a year and get behind, and then some kids are ahead or have late birthdays before the cut-off date.

What is the equation for 12 plus y equals 22?

The equation is exactly what you just said: " 12 + y = 22 " .As long as we're both here, let's go ahead and find the solution to it.It could get complicated. Hold on to your hat, and try to stay with me:12 + y = 22Subtract 12 from each side:y = 10

What grade is an 9 year old in?

3rd or 4th grade, unless there are different circumstances such as the child having been held back a year (in which case they could still be in 2nd grade when they turn 9) or the child being a year ahead in school or having a late birthday right before the cut-off date (in which case they would be in 5th grade).

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Why does Homer have Odysseus kill the suitors before he reveals himself to Penelope?

Only Homer himself could answer, but he is not around to tell us.

What are three rumors concerning Homer the poet?

homer was actually a blind poet if you didnt know. Homer wasn't actually greek, he was roman. he played the lyre and didnt write the illiad and the odyssey himself. he told the writer what to script from his words.

Who was the country singer that Homer Simpson managed?

Homer managed the country singer Lurleen Lumpkin, who was first seen on the episode 'Colonel Homer'. Much to the chagrin of Marge, Lurleen Lumpkin flirted with Homer in her songs, namely "Bagged Me a Homer" and tried to seduce him with "Bunk With Me Tonight". After it dawned on Homer that Lurleen was attracted to him, he decided that it would be best to stop managing her music career as it could have hurt his marriage if things had gone any further.

Could the Civil War have lasted longer?

That was always a possibility.

What is Homer's Greek and Roman name?

I believe they are one in the same though i could be mistaken as languages is not my forte.This is at least the Greek name, and possibly the Roman name for Homer- Hómēros.

When did Homer Baron die?

If you mean the fictitious Homer from Faulkner's short story, he died soon after he proposed from arsenic poison by Emily who could not bear to marry him because of his low social status, but could not bear to let him go either.

Why did Homers father want him to work in the mine?

At the beginning of the story, Homer's father wanted Homer to work in the coal mines so that Homer could get stronger. He wanted Homer to play football like his older brother, but Homer was to small and weak. In Coalwood, West Virginia, (where the Hickams live), mining is really the only option that Homer has to get a job. His father is a miner and practically everyone he knows works at the mines. The only oppurtunity to leave Coalwood would be if he got a football scholarship to go play in college. Homer's older brother receives one of these coveted football scholarships as the story progresses.

Which restaurant did Homer sue when he wasn't allowed to eat all he could eat?

The Frying Dutchman

Your period lasted only two days could you be pregnant?

it depend did you have sex

How do you use begged in a sentence?

It's a past tense of a verb. You could say, "He begged her to forgive him" or "Seven cities claimed great Homer dead, though which cities living Homer begged his bread."

You thought it was just infatuation but its lasted way to long who what is the name of this song?

Could it be "You Send Me"?

How long could trading take at a Middle Ages fair?

As long as the fair lasted.